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Are we doing enough?

It’s time to contribute more to achieving net zero

Sustainability is at the forefront of nearly all workplace conversations. We’re all required to look beyond the cost and have strategies to create change – going far beyond recycling water bottles and No Mow May. So what role can we play?

The latest – and final – instalment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report confirms minimising global temperature increases to 1.5°C above preindustrial levels is still achievable. But this is only possible through concerted, cohesive efforts and using emerging technologies to cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 43% by 2030.

Unfortunately, the IPCC also states that even if there is a reduction in carbon emissions, we will still face the devastating consequences of severe weather and loss of biological diversity.

We must adapt our business practices and support all our stakeholders to reach net zero. To get the ball rolling, here are some suggestions that can easily be applied to your own and your customers’ business.


Look around the workplace – what becomes waste and how can this be reduced? Going paperless or ensuring more efficient printing practices is one area. Another is using more environmentally friendly products like compostable bags and food boxes made of renewable resources such as bagasse. It goes without saying that reusing products and recycling wherever possible is a must.

Energy Innovation And Conservation

Did you know the average SME could reduce energy bills by 18-25% by installing energy efficiency measures, according to the Energy Savings Trust. Turning off idle equipment and lighting and switching to LED bulbs is an easy starting point. Switching to renewable energy sources like wind and solar avoids the CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels.

Julie Hawley is Executive Director - Finance at YPO

Sourcing Products

It’s important to utilise local and national suppliers wherever possible, as shorter distances reduce carbon miles. Also, work with them on their social value goals.

Maintaining Fleet

Educate drivers on efficiency, including reducing idling time, avoiding sudden accelerations and braking, maintaining a steady speed and using route planners. Consolidate deliveries and teach customers about how they can order in a more environmentally friendly way – not every purchase needs to be next-day delivery.


Flexible working has already helped many organisations cut down on travel, but encourage employees to use public transport or cycle to work wherever possible.

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