5 minute read

The Life Aquatic

Swimming Pond at EdgeValley Farm created by McGowan Construction Services.

Enrich your outdoor space and attract wildlife with a water feature.


WHO CAN DENY the profound allure of water? Or the calming sights and sounds of nature? To experience both in tandem is the ultimate delight for the senses—and achievable in your own backyard with the addition of a garden pond or waterfall.

Whether you live in the country or a subdivision, the presence of a fresh water supply will attract all sorts of wildlife. Water is an irresistible draw that’s essential for survival, especially during the extreme heat of summer. Even a small bowl or birdbath tucked in a corner of the garden can be a lifeline. Go a step further and install an ornamental pond and become a wildlife magnet. Birds, small mammals and insects will pop by for a drink while frogs, toads and dragonflies will happily take up permanent residence.

While certain wildlife, such as amphibians, prefer still-water ponds, birds can’t resist moving water. Adding waterfalls and fountains with shallow basins into the mix is a dream come true for our feathered friends.

If you have a large backyard pond, take it to the next level and adopt a few koi fish. Bill DeBoard, owner of Bill’s Koi in Flesherton says caring for koi requires a large pond that is at least 10 to 15 feet wide and four to five feet deep. A word of caution, however, if your pond is home to frogs: fish are natural predators of amphibians and their eggs.



From custom ponds installed by professionals to do-it-yourself projects from scratch, there is a water feature for every property and budget. “Starting at $200 to spending millions, the possibilities are endless for pond-scaping your property,” says Ernest Williams, territory sales manager for water-garden manufacturer Aquascape.

Many garden centres carry build-your-own pond equipment and kits, saving you money when tackling the project yourself. For a more extensive water feature installation, hiring a professional landscaper or pond contractor is usually recommended.

So, what goes into creating a backyard pond? The basic equipment used to promote pond health includes some sort of aeration that boosts oxygenation. Think fountains, waterfalls and bubblers. A pond pump may be installed to circulate and clean water through

A smaller backyard water feature is rich with diversity.

a filter and to pump water to a fountain or waterfall feature. Also, a rubber liner is necessary to prevent pond water from leaking into the ground. Finish up with landscaping rocks, slate, bricks, concrete or turf grasses to hide the pond liner and equipment for a natural look.

ABOVE Water lilies help keep water cool while providing habitat and beauty. BELOW Colourful koi are entertainment for the whole family.


Landscaping with plants both in and around the pond not only beautifies, but also promotes pond health and offers wildlife shelter, shade and protection from predators. Water plants are an incredible pond resource as they filter and clarify, absorb excess nutrients, release oxygen and control the algae that causes pond water to turn green. A wide selection of water plants are available at Ritchie’s Feeds

‘N Needs & Garden Centre in Elmvale. Ritchie’s carries oxygenating, submersible and floating water plants and horticulturalist Kelly McNamara is on hand to advise which water plants are ideal for your project.


Roll up your sleeves or get out your pocketbook as pond ecosystems do require some work to maintain. Whether you do it yourself or hire a pond expert to keep yours in top shape, regular pond maintenance is essential for a healthy pond ecosystem. Randy’s Pond Services, out of Wasaga Beach, is extra busy from mid-April to early November with pond installations, spring openings, fall closings and applications of water treatments. All new ponds look great in the beginning, but over time they can run into trouble according to biologist Lou Maieron, owner

of Silver Creek Aquaculture in Erin, which offers pond maintenance consulting and products. The smaller the pond, the faster the water chemistry can get out of whack and in need of human intervention. Surprisingly, large ponds may be more self-sustaining due to a variety of animals and plants working together to maintain a healthy pond ecosystem.

Like swimming pools, many backyard ponds are closed down in the fall which definitely reduces the workload of caring for a pond. Though, this may not be an option if your backyard pond is stocked with fish and you don’t want to bring them indoors during the colder months. Over-wintering wildlife requires a pond heater to prevent the water from freezing solid and also a hole through the surface ice for a fresh supply of oxygen.

WATER SAFETY A pond may have the same safety regulations and municipal restrictions as a pool to keep young children and pets from drowning. And did you know that wildlife is also at risk of drowning in your backyard pond? Ideally, any water feature should have sloped sides or a ramp to give little critters an escape route and avoid heartbreak.

For safety’s sake, a pondless waterfall or stream may be a better choice with young children on the property. Offering big impact with far less maintenance, pondless water features still attract regular visits from local wildlife. Aquascape carries a wide selection of pondless waterfall kits that can be purchased at garden centres or through landscape and pond contractors in your region.

This is how a pondless water feature works: Water cascades down a short stream into a water basin and is then recycled back to the top of the waterfall via a hidden pump. All the waterfall equipment is tucked under rocks and landscaping materials for a natural look. The beauty of pondless waterfalls and streams is their self-sustaining ease of care. Just keep the water basin filled, remove plant debris on a regular basis and you’re good to go.



Big or small, why not create a natural water ecosystem in your own backyard? A bonus may be to lure kids off their electronics and into the backyard as your new pond becomes a breeding spot for frogs, toads and dragonflies, whose eggs are laid and hatched in water. In late spring, marvel at the hundreds of tiny black tadpoles that morph into young toads and frogs. Soon enough, a nightly opus of croaking will serenade you to sleep.

Your pond is sure to become a favourite spot for you, your family and friends to spend time, relax and watch in wonderment as nature’s spectacle unfolds.

Whether you live in the country or a subdivision, the presence of a fresh water supply will attract all sorts of wildlife.