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The cuts break the shape of SEQUENZE in the electric version and make it functional for use but above all they accentuate its perceived value, making it threedimensional and sculptural.


The light and shadows reveal an intrinsic spirituality of the object.

Available in two models, SEQUENZE S electric and SEQUENZE L electric, with two thermal powers.

ELECTRONIC CONTROL SYSTEM: wireless communication by means of radio signals transmitted to the receiver connected to the system; radius of action about 30-50 metres in residential environments (868 MHz); radio frequency communication complying with European regulations; ITCS FUNCTION (Intelligent Temperature Control System), for intelligent temperature control (this technology allows the exact desired temperature at the set time); open window detection function.

Finishes available: see pag. 298.

Strict, rigid lines are almost the raison d’etre of a function that goes beyond …Emphatically square and modulated by a unit of measure that becomes proportion.

(*) Thanks to the high performance of Irsap QUADRAQUA radiators, the ideal ∆t for low temperature projects is ∆t at 30°C.

For ∆t different from 50°C use the formula:

Q=Qn ( ∆t / 50)n

• Maximum working pressure 4 bar

• Maximum working temperature 95°C

Finishes available: see pag. 298.

STANDARD SUPPLY: angle pattern valve and lockshield valve assembly complete with copper fitting (12, 14 and 15 mm diameter) multilayer (14 thick 2 and 16 thick 2); kit of pipe covers (suitable for pipes up to 16 mm thick); 4 wall fixing; air vent.

QUADRAQUA , in the electric version, with a rigid line, almost severe the raison d’être of the function that goes beyond ... Strongly square and modulated, by a unit of measurement that becomes proportion.


wireless communication by means of radio signals transmitted to the receiver connected to the system; radius of action about 30-50 metres in residential environments (868 MHz); radio frequency communication complying with European regulations; ITCS FUNCTION (Intelligent Temperature Control System), for intelligent temperature control (this technology allows the exact desired temperature at the set time); open window detection function.

Finishes available: see pag. 298.

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