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Medical Care

• Qualifications of the Practitioner: It's important to choose a qualified practitioner, such as a dermatologist, plastic surgeon, or esthetician, who is trained and experienced in performing Laser Genesis treatments. Check their credentials, training, and reviews from previous clients.

• Type of Laser: Different types of laser technology are used for Laser Genesis treatments. Make sure the practitioner you choose uses a laser specifically designed for Laser Genesis treatments, such as the Cutera laser.


• Pre-Treatment Consultation: A pre-treatment consultation is essential to determine if Laser Genesis is the right treatment for your skin type and concerns. During the consultation, the practitioner should assess your skin, discuss your goals and expectations, and provide a detailed explanation of the treatment and its risks and benefits.

Cost: Laser Genesis treatments can be expensive, so it's important to consider the cost before booking a treatment. Shop around and compare prices, but remember that the cheapest option may sometimes be the best.