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Conversations in Careers

“Take every opportunity to learn new things, even if it doesn’t seem entirely relevant to the job that you are doing at the time, you just never know where it might take you or what you might learn” - Ann Dugdale, Taylors Hill watch now

“My first editor who, I’d spent all weekend writing a particular article and it must of been about 1500 words and I remember handing it in on the Monday, and this was in the early days of my career and he managed to edit it down to 80 words and I was devastated...clearly everything I wrote was complete nonsense...what was absolutely fascinating was that that 80 words actually told the whole story” Mike Ward, Decision Resources Group watch now


“Rejection is just a form of redirection. When someone says “No”, try and understand why they say no if you can and try to arm yourself to make sure you get a yes next time round” Ricky Martin, Hyper Recruitment Solutions watch now

“The sort of things that used to turn up in the food were pretty awful some times. I think probably the worst one was finding a sealed bag of porridge oats which had a whole mouse in it.” Sara Cooper, EssJay watch
