6 minute read

The Miracle of Healing

When I gave my life to Christ back in November of 1991, I had no idea how great a ride it would be. My parents divorced when I was 16 and I spiraled out of control. From being a kid who would cry for any reason, I became hard and bitter and confused. I hated life. I hated my parents and I certainly wanted nothing to do with God. From being a soft sensitive kid, I allowed the bitterness and unforgiveness to take control of me and I turned to drugs and alcohol to fill the void. Fast forward to today and I have now been clean for over 40 years. God set me free instantaneously and I’ve never looked back. When I gave my life to Christ He set me free from all the hurt, bitterness and drugs and the alcohol. I was a new man and my life changed forever. One of my first encounters I had with a Christian was with a man who had a word for me that he believed I was called to be a pastor. I still remember looking at him with a crazy look on my face, like what in the world are you talking about. What’s a pastor??? I had no clue what he meant and what he was talking about. Isn’t it awesome how God knows what’s deep inside of you even more than we do. His words came to pass many years later and I’ll talk about that shortly.

I have now been married for over 40 years to my beautiful wife Crystal. We really are best friends, and we have a great marriage. We have 4 children and 5 grandchildren, and we are incredibly blessed.

That man that prophesied over me that I would become a pastor came to pass. I have now been an Ordained Assembly of God pastor for over 25 years. In those 25 years I have served in many different areas. I also pastored multiple churches and planted two different churches. We truly love ministry and love God’s people.

We stopped pastoring 3 years ago as we sensed that there was a shift going on in what God was asking us to do. So we moved from California to the great state of Texas over two years ago and we have loved every second of being in Texas.

I am the men’s pastor at Cornerstone church in Conroe, with Pastor Jerry Frank. We love our pastors and our church body and my responsibility as being a men’s pastor has been a great blessing.


Back on November 13 of 2021 I came home from speaking at our men’s meeting and as I was hanging out with my wife that morning, I told her that something didn’t feel right, in my body and I suddenly passed out. Crystal called 911 and during that time I came to, and I said everything was fine and I didn’t need the ambulance. (how dumb I know) The 911 operator said something does not sound right and you’ll be calling us back. A minute later I said to Crystal my head was in excruciating pain, so she called 911 again and the paramedics came and took me to Methodist hospital, in the Woodlands. Even though I have no recollection, I was alert and talking.

I was taken to ER for evaluation and they discovered that I suffered a severe (exploding) brain aneurysm and a stroke. We learned a lot about what a brain aneurysm is and what it means. Let me explain what a brain aneurysm is and give some of the medical statistics. A brain aneurysm is a bulge or ballooning in a blood vessel in the brain. “The risk of the aneurysm exploding is only one in 100 each year. But if it does blow up, (mine did) the chances of surviving are only one in two, and the odds of surviving without severe brain damage are only one in four. The survival rate of patients with ruptured brain aneurysms is approximately 60 percent, according to Brain Aneurysm Foundation.

and that he would listen to her!!). Needless to say they delayed the surgery and that truly saved my life.

After my long stay, in ICU, I came home in mid-January, of this year. During the next many months I met with multiple nurses multiple times a week for physical and occupational therapy. It was excruciating at times. The healing took a lot of time and hard work but day after day and week after week, I slowly but surely kept getting better and better. I learned so much about being persistent and patient. All the hard work certainly paid off.

As you can see, the chances of survival are low and having severe brain damage is very high.

So the doctors immediately rushed me into surgery and from surgery I went to ICU, where I stayed for the next 2 months. To this day, I still have no recollection at all, of that time. In the early days of being in ICU, I had 10 to 12 brain angiogram surgeries, I was intubated, put on a feeding tube and put on a catheter, which lasted for the next 5 months. I think one of the hardest things I went through, was experiencing being on the catheter, every day for those 5 months. Everywhere I went and everything I did I was tied to that catheter. I truly couldn’t wait for it to end. There were times when I thought I’d never get off it but PRAISE GOD I did!!!!

During my 2 month stay in ICU, I ended up losing 40lbs. I had to learn to talk, walk again and eat normally. There were so many miracles that took place during my stay in ICU but one particular story truly saved my life. I was going in for another surgery and as I was being wheeled in, the nurse suddenly stopped the doctor, who was going to perform the surgery and said if you do surgery on him right now, he will not make it because his oxygen levels are to low. If it were not for the boldness and wisdom, of the nurse, I would’ve died during that surgery. (how crazy to think a nurse would talk to a doctor like that

Fast forward to September 2022: I have gained all my weight back and then some. I have minimal memory loss, no speech or brain issues and I’ve have been off the catheter, for many months now. I am back to speaking/preaching and working at my job and most importantly, playing with my grandkids. Knowing that I should’ve died during this time has given me a greater perspective of how much I love the Lord, my family and how grateful I am to be alive. I am one blessed man.

Reverand Mike Green