3 minute read

Stuck in Hebrews

For personal devotions, I read through the Bible once a year. Some years, like this year, I will read the New Testament twice. I’m in James at the time of this writing and will finish the first time through by mid-June!

But for a while I was stuck in Hebrews! Kept backing up, reading again! Some find it a bit more difficult to understand than some of the other New Testament books. But it is truly amazing, revealing, challenging, full of encouragements as well as some stark warnings. At times it seems to be a “bare knuckled”, loud alarm and in your face wake-up call!

One of the several such instances is chapter 6. I read it in a bunch of translations, and have never quite seen it the way it impressed me this time through! Time and space do not permit a full discussion on what’s there, but let me grab the thing that grabbed me the most, a challenge found in verse 9-12.

The first 8 verses he seems to be pouring cold water on the face of slumbering Believers! But verses 9-12 are a bit more encouraging to those who have been serving well. However, he warns them of two things: 1. That they must realize this is a “to the final bell” responsibility. 2. He warns them about becoming “sluggish” (NKJV); “Don’t Drag your feet, stay on course” (Message); “Spiritually dull and indifferent” (NLT); “Slothful” (KJV); “Lazy” (NIV).

For Seniors, actually for all of us, we must stay engaged in this war for the souls of the eight plus billion people on earth. The closer we get to the coming of the Lord the more intense the battle becomes. Satan has taken off the mask and gloves and has a host of warriors waging battle against God and the Church. They are calloused, hateful and determined! But we are empowered with the Spirit, armed with eternal promises, and, certainly, not alone! We are fitted together (Eph 4:16) by Him! No embers outside the fire, every hand on deck! We must do this together!

The periphery of the church is a spiritually sluggish place, a dangerous place! Put on the armor of God. Be in the heart of the things in which your church is engaged.

You are vital! Stay engaged in the battle! No retreating! No sitting on the sidelines! The call is to the last breath or the trumpet call!

“No Coasting to the Finish Line!”

Wayne & Judy Clark Seniors With Purpose