3 minute read

How Will the World Know

Appearance. Honesty. Being what we say we are. This is a challenge even in our world today. We must authenticate our credit card via a text, use a password to access our bank account, and carry a photo ID with us when we enter the airport.

We’re not who we say we are unless we can prove it. How does the Christian prove that we are who we say we are? What’s our authentication, our password, our photo ID? How can we live a real and honest Christian life that reflects the truth of Jesus living through us.

Matthew 7:15 says to watch out for false prophets. Then, in the next verse, we’re told that “by their fruit you will recognize them.” The Fruit of the Spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness….and along the rewarding paths of goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

In a world that is so quickly spiraling out of control, with road-rage incidents daily, physical brawls in the isles of the grocery store and sadly even in church parking lots or business meetings, we must reflect Jesus. In the 1980s we sang a chorus that said, “Jesus on the inside working on the outside, oh what a change in my life.” I want the authenticity of Jesus apparent to those I encounter. By our love we are known as Christians.

Recently, I had a salesman who shared with me that he refused to do business with a particular church because the office manager was so rude and condescending. While I’m sure there is more to that story, it just saddens me to my core. We must be different than the world! Even if we feel that we’ve been wronged, our response must be one that reflects Jesus. His resurrection power can fill us to overflowing and He will be Jesus inside of us.

Of the eight characteristics of the fruit of the Holy Spirit, seven are directed Godward or manward…SELF-CONTROL is directed selfward! No progress occurs in the believer’s life with this quality. SELF-CONTROL is LOVE’S VICTORY! The undisciplined life will be a disaster spiritually and otherwise.

There’s a quote by Williams Shakespeare that says, “If you prick us, do we not bleed?” When the world pricks me, I want to bleed Jesus. I want to be Jesus inside, and when someone cuts me, they get Jesus all over them!

Because He is, I am, Tim R. Barker