September Ohio FBLA Newsletter

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From Ohio FBLA State President Kimaya Mundhe

Hello members and advisers

Welcome to a new membership year! I’m excited to share the first issue of Ohio FBLA’s Newsletter with you. Each month, you'll receive updates on the latest state news and opportunities to get involved, helping you stay connected throughout the year.

The state officer team has been working hard over the summer to prepare for this year. We’ve completed officer training, developed our Program of Work, provided competitive event coaching for NLC attendees, and announced the state theme: Change the Game.

To me, changing the game means taking risks without fear of failure, challenging what has previously been done, and actualizing innovative ideas. Together with my driven team, I’m committed to changing the game in Ohio FBLA.

We are launching several new initiatives this year, beginning with Chapter Visits, State Councils, and Local Chapter Officer Training. I encourage you to take advantage of these opportunities: request an officer visit, apply to a council, and save the date for September 25th at 8 p.m. to attend virtual chapter officer training.

This year, the National Fall Leadership Conference (NFLC) will be held in Columbus from November 8-9. NFLC has been a highlight of my FBLA experience, where I’ve attended some of my favorite workshops and made meaningful friendships. Be sure to check out and talk to your adviser about attending.

Whether you need help navigating FBLA Connect, planning for the year, or just want someone to bounce ideas off of, feel free to reach out on Instagram at @kimayafbla, email or call/text 513-238-8104. I’m always up to talk about FBLA!

I can’t wait to see how you change the game this year in FBLA!




Werecognizethatforsomestudents,affordingproperbusinessattirecanbea barriertofullparticipationinFBLA.TheDresstoImpressScholarshipprovidesone completebusinessoutfitforthreemembersinOhiorepresentingourthreestudent divisions(MiddleSchool,HighSchool,andCollegiate.Additionally,scholarship recipientsmayusefundstopurchaseprofessionalattireoftheirchoice,whetherthat meanspurchasingacompleteoutfitorinvestinginapairofhigh-qualitydressshoes.


Summer Starter is the first season of FBLA’s Champion Chapter Program, a set of membership recruitment and engagement-focused challenges This season focuses on chapter building and membership strategy. Summer Starter tasks are designed to help your chapter set the foundation for a successful membership year including: election chapter officers, developing a student-led program of work, setting goals, and mapping out the year.


Newstate themelogo!

Yourstateofficersareexcitedtovisityourchapter! We’dlovetobeapartofyournextmeetingorevent.

NewInitative ALERT! Wanttobe recognizedfor yourchapter’s accomplishments?

Fillouttheformin ourInstagrambioto nominateyour chapterforChapter oftheMonth.

Nomilestoneistoosmall: increasemembership? complete caseasonofchampion hapter?Wewantto hearaboutit!

Filloutthis formto requesta chaptervisit

meetthe STATEOFFICER team


Goal: Build relationships with as many members as I can and complete every initiative on our Program of Work to make this the greatest year in Ohio FBLA history!

VP of External Affairs

Goal: Connect with more local chapters and facilitate their FBLA journey as they become communityminded business leaders.

Reach Manya at: vpexternalaffairs@ohiofbla org

VP of Membership Abhishek Bhave

Goal: I hope to surpass 1,00 members across the state

Reach Abhishek at: vpmembership@ohiofbla org

Northern Region VP


Goal: Increase the Northern region’s FBLA spirit and enhance their overall experience!

Reach Kaitlin at: northernregionvp@ohiofbla org

Central Region VP Ridam Shah

Goal: I want to see the Central region grow to become the largest in Ohio. Reach Ridam at: centralregionvp@ohiofbla org

Southern Region VP Dave Pandey

Goal: Gain 7 new chapters in the Southern Region. Reach Dave at:

Secretary Amogh Navada

Goal: Have more NLC qualifiers place

Reach Amogh at: secretary@ohiofbla org

Treasurer Arshya Maricar

Goal: Establish strong line of communication between the state officer team and FBLA members. Reach Arshya at: treasurer@ohiofbla org


Lillian Blankenship

Goal: Create a way for local chapters to easily connect at the state level and inform more people about FBLA.

Reach Lillian at: parliamentarian@ohiofbla org


Rishi Maguluri

Goal: Integrate an AI chatbot into the website, and improve the website overall

Reach Rishi at:

Historian Zuria Thammavong

Goal: Work and meet with chapters to create consistent communication between the state and local levels, along with increasing FBLA awareness

Reach Zuria at:


Priyhan Divakar

Goal: 10+ top ten qualifiers from Ohio at NLC with the help of our NLC coaching.

Reach Priyhan at: reporter@ohiofbla org

Stateofficersoffered competitiveeventcoachingto Ohiomemberscompetingin presentationeventsatthe NationalLeadership Conference.Elevenmembers receivedvaluablefeedback fromvolunteerjudgesand stateofficers,helpingthem enhancetheircontentand delivery.Welookforwardto expandingthisprograminthe comingyears!



Middle School Winners:

Advika Vijay, Toledo Area Middle School

3rd Place Exploring Business Issues

Elaine Tan, Toledo Area Middle School

8th Place Marketing Mix Challenge

Hugo Garcia-Hernandez & Trent Hull, Thomas W Harvey HS

2nd Place Data Analysis

Ridam Shah, Dublin Jerome HS

2nd Place Impromptu Speaking

Sanvi Jha, William Mason HS

7th Place Business Management

Dominic Allie, Daniel Chen, Stephen Chen, Walnut Hills HS

8th Place Sales Presentation

Kimaya Mundhe, Walnut Hills HS

Finalist Future Business Leader

Sofia Donev, Rhea Kapoor, Aashi Mathur, Columbus Academy Middle School

9th Place Multimedia & Website Development

Heidi Yan, Toledo Area Middle School

Finalist, Career Research

Conference (NFLC) is an exciting annual event where students from across the country come together to sharpen their leadership skills, explore career opportunities, and network with like-minded peers. What’s new this year? It’s in Columbus! For the first time, you can have all the fun without paying for a flight ticket! Join the conference from November 8-9 and participate in motivational general sessions, professional development, and career planning workshops. For more information, visit: FBLA.ORG/NFLC


What’s up Ohio! My name is Abhishek Bhave Membership. With the school year starting, o are currently attempting to gain traction with ways to capitalize on the beginning of the school year so that your respective chapters can thrive.

Club Fairs: If you have the opportunity to host a booth for your FBLA chapter at a club fair, that is a great way to market your chapter to incoming students who may not know what it is. Holding a trifold & flyers is the best way to provide info about FBLA!

Social Media: Almost every high school student is on some form of social media, so make sure to at least have an Instagram account for your FBLA chapter. Post as frequently as possible about upcoming events, meetings, & important information/reminders for students to keep track of. Adding a “trendy” side to your social media pages will attract more student engagement, so if you have the availability, feel free to get creative with how you utilize social media.

Wall Flyers: An indirect way of attracting students is by placing flyers throughout school hallways. This will likely be less effective than the previous two approaches, but it is still a solid marketing strategy to passer-by students. Make sure your flyer is very engaging and uses brief, bold, eye catching words & graphics rather than paragraphs that nobody is going to read.

Word of Mouth: Simply asking your friends to come to FBLA & market FBLA to their friends is another good way to create a community aspect about your club.

I hope you guys can implement these tips as needed. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email me at!

Northern Region Corner

Hello Northern Region, I am so excited as the new membership year begins! Your state officer team has been preparing for an amazing year, and we can’t wait to share new initiatives with you all. We're especially eager to see the Northern Region continue growing and expanding! Please reach out to me if you have any questions. I’m looking forward to an amazing membership year:)

-Kaitlin Wang, Northern Region VP

Southern Region Corner

Hello, Southern Region I am beyond excited to kick off this new membership year with a blast! Our State officer team has been working hard to prepare for an amazing year, and we can’t wait to share our new initiatives with you. I’m looking forward to making Ohio FBLA’s biggest region even bigger and better! If you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. This is the year to change the game- let's make it one to remember. - Dave Pandey

Central Region Corner

What’s up Central Region, this year will be our year! For years, the Central Region has lacked size compared to our other regions, but thanks to our incredible state officers, that size will come. We are ready to have a great year filled with fun and educational activities and moments, so get hyped Central Region! - Ridam Shah, Central Region VP

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