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An initial list of questions for reflection in school responses to GenAI Questions

For Teachers And School Leaders

• How can we effectively integrateAI language models such as ChatGPT into primary and secondary education curricula while maintaininga balance between human-led instruction and AI-driven learning experiences?


• How can we ensure that teachers are adequatelytrained and supported to understand and help their students to understand the difference between Artificial and human Intelligence?

• What long-term implicationsmight widespread adoption of AI language models have on the role of teachers, and how can we prepare the education workforce for these changes?

• What measures can we take to ensure that AI language models do not inadvertentlypromotecheating or plagiarism among students, and instead encourage original thinking and creativity?

• How can we mitigate algorithmic biases in AI language models and ensure that they providefair and inclusive learning experiences for all students, regardless of their background,ethnicity, or gender?

• How can AI language models be leveraged to support students with special needs, learningdisabilities,or those from disadvantaged backgrounds or requiring additional support in the classroom?