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Covid Blues, 2020, é um video de animação, onde a invisível ameaça gigante do Corona Virus se move pelas ruas de uma Lisboa deserta. Composto por uma série de fotografias, tiradas durante o isolamento, este video retrata o ambiente de Lisboa como nunca se viu, uma cidade fantasma.


João Bacelar (b.1972, LIsboa, Portugal) começou o seu percurso profissional em 1992 na Novodesign (Brandia), e em 1995 fundou um estúdio com o designer Ricardo Mealha. Foi Diretor de Arte em várias agências de publicidade, como a Euro RSCG, BMZ / PARK, BBDO, Saatchi e Ogilvy & Mather e recebeu mais de 20 prêmios Nacionais e internacionais. Em 2019 foi o Director de Arte responsável pelo trabalho vencedor do Absolut Creative Competition. Com a obra Covid Blues, recebeu o prémio Best Animation e Best in Show no Festival Flux promovido pelo British Art Council, tendo sido também selecionado e finalista em vários Festivais Internacionais. Trabalha com fotografia, ilustração, design, video e leciona na Escola das Artes da Universidade de Évora.

Covid Blues, 2020 is an animated video, where the invisible gigantic (or not) threat of the Corona Virus moving around the empty streets of Lisbon. The background scenario is a selection of the pictures from Lisbon locations during lockdown. From February to June of 2020.The soundtrack is also called Covid Blues and was created during lockdown by João Guimarães.

João Bacelar (b.1972, Lisbon, Portugal) began his professional career in 1992 at Novodesign (Brandia), and in 1995 he founded a studio with designer Ricardo Mealha. He was Art Director in several advertising agencies such as Euro RSCG, BMZ / PARK, BBDO, Saatchi and Ogilvy & Mather and received more than 20 national and international awards. In 2019, he was the Art Director responsible for the winning work of the Absolut Creative Competition. With the work Covid Blues, he received the Best Animation and Best in Show prize at the Festival Flux promoted by the British Art Council, having also been selected and finalist in several International Festivals. He works with photography, illustration, design, video and teaches at the School of Arts of the University of Évora.