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OT Week 2023 wrap-up

OT Week 2023 ran from 23-29 October, coinciding with World Occupational Therapy Day on 27 October. OT Week is an annual celebration of all things occupational therapy, shining a light on the important work of OTs.

This year’s OT Week theme was Unity Through Community, recognising the vital and dynamic role OTs play in helping people engage with and participate in their community – in whichever way is meaningful to them.

During OT Week, OTA hosted two webinars with special guest speakers. ABC News Breakfast journalist Charles shared his inspirational story about how occupational therapy impacted his life, helped him build his community and is allowing him to change the perception of people living with a disability following a life-changing motorcycle accident in 2010.

OT Georgie Gott’s work is influenced by her experience of living with a disability. Georgie experienced an illness as a young child resulting in lower limb paralysis with ongoing mobility issues. Georgie’s experience with OTs inspired her to choose a career in OT and she shared her story with us.

OT teams across Australia celebrated by hosting events, displaying our OT Week social tiles and poster, and sharing what Unity Through Community means to them. These are photos from just some of the many events that took place across the country.