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Use Case

Businesses today require a fast, secure connection and reliable internet services to grow and succeed. At Aspiria, we deliver quick and seamless transitions for incoming tenants with Aspiria Connect.

Bill Douglas, CEO at OpticWise

Aspiria Connect Powers Tenant Transitions

Aspiria Connect delivers enterprise network services through expansive, on-site services including Wi-Fi, data center colocation space, unified VOIP communications, network management and internet services. As a company recently relocated to Overland Park and Aspiria, they determined that Aspiria Connect was the perfect solution to meet their corporate objectives of being open for business in days, not months.


During this company’s relocation to Aspiria in Overland Park, their business needed a full suite of technology services including fast, secure, and reliable internet connections (including multiple public IP addresses) to set up operations and quickly serve their clients. If they were to go the traditional route of ordering the services from the typical carriers, they would not be able to be operational for at least 90 days.


With Aspiria Connect’s existing technology platform, the company was able to meet their corporate objective by providing internet connectivity with multiple dedicated public IPs within just three weeks so they could begin serving their clients immediately. By choosing Aspiria Connect, the company was able to save valuable time and money.

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