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It is my honour and privilege to welcome you back to the 2nd subscription concert of the 2022-23 Season of the Oakville Symphony! Hope and community have been fundamental in these recent times. We have learned that we have a strong desire to share our experiences and we need each other to create the future we long for.

Our 55th season was built to create opportunities for all of us to find our community and share the unique experience of music with the people we love: our family, friends, neighbours, or the person you just met sitting next to you today (–Psst! Say hi if you haven’t yet!).


Today’s performance will bring you to a journey of more than 200 years in the history of music. Starting with one of the most impressive works of the early baroque, we hope you will be immersed in the music of Corelli in the candlelight setting in which it was performed on the Christmas eve of 1690 in Rome. We are incredibly proud to portray three of our string principals as soloists in the Concerto Grosso in G minor.

Then, we travel 100 years ahead, to a time where the viola starts to emerge from its place in between the violins and the cellos to be featured as a soloist with the orchestra for the first time. We are thrilled to welcome back the rising star Lynn Sue-A-Quan to perform this beautiful example of classical excellence.

Finally, another 100 years ahead, still in Europe but now in Bohemia. Dvorak’s monumental Eighth Symphony is one of the masterworks of all time. Full of pastoral images, Slavonic rhythms and the unique imagination that Dvořák has for orchestral colours, we close the concert with the unbridled energy of all the members of the Oakville Symphony performing for you.

It is my strongest wish that you enjoy this series of concerts that we have prepared for you and that you get to share the joy of live music with your loved ones as we come back full of hope for a brighter future. Your support gives us hope – thank you!

Lorenzo Guggenheim, Music Director & Conductor, Oakville Symphony

Board Of Directors

Rhonda Wild, President

Samantha Cheung, Vice President

Mira Backo-Shannon, Secretary

Kumar Balan

Natalie Cabri

Geoffrey Creighton


Bianca Chambers, Executive Director

Lorenzo Guggenheim, Music Director

Cathy Easton

Anna Hewitt

Andy Kenins, Treasurer

Jeany Kyung-Ah Jang

Sandra Litt

Jose Shapero


Susan Barber-Kahro, Librarian

Michele Frensch, Rehearsal Coordinator