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uplift people across the country who are transforming the digital world for the better. Nabiha Syed is doing just that, harnessing her own expertise to push for safer, more inclusive online communities," said Prince Harry and Meghan, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex. "Nabiha and her team are shedding light on some of the most critical issues of our time and in doing

“Each honoree chosen for recognition has demonstrated exceptional leadership and vision in her or his respective profession or endeavor and in some significant measure has contributed towards creating a more just society in this country,” says Black Star News founder and publisher Milton Allimadi. “Obviously much work needs to be done here and around the world.”

The NAACP-Archewell Digital Civil Rights Award recognizes long-term contributors to the digital rights space while also supporting a new generation of visionaries working to expand equity, including issues related to discrimination, misinformation, privacy, countering biases, limiting profiling and surveillance, improving transparency, increasing diversity in the tech sector, and more. The winner is awarded $100,000 to be used to advance new work, expand leadership and expertise, and/or continue their impact in the field of digital equity.

This year's recipient is a lawyer and media executive, Nabiha Syed Syed has led The Markup — previously as President and now as CEO — since its launch, as their award-winning investigations uncover how powerful institutions use technology to reshape society. The Markup's data-driven reporting has analyzed the hidden racial bias in mortgage approval algorithms and student risk algorithms; revealed how telecom companies offer lower-income and more diverse neighborhoods slower internet speeds for the same price as other neighborhoods; and how Meta collects financial information through tax filing websites and health information from hospital systems.

"When we founded this award with the NAACP, we wanted to highlight and

The gala starts at 6:00pm with a cocktail hour to be followed by the dinner and awards ceremonies. There will be musical entertainment by opera singer Cassandra Douglas and from harmonica phenomenon William Galison. David Dinkins is honored for Lifetime Achievement — he was New York City’s first African American mayor and also welcomed Nelson Mandela to the city after his release in 1990. Rep. Charles Rangel, also honored for Lifetime Achievement, has served in Congress since 1971. He is a recipient of The Bronze medal for helping save soldiers behind enemy line during the Korean War Rep. Yvette Clarke is a Democratic member of the US House of Representatives from New York whose 9th district covers much of central Brooklyn. Before entering Congress in 2007, she so, empowering all of us to reclaim some of our most basic freedoms: truth, safety, and choice. She's an inspiration to us and so many others, and we're proud to support her incredibly important work."

NAACP President and CEO Derrick Johnson said, "We are honored to award and support Nabiha Syed in her