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Kyrsta Rodden

Interview by Carol Wright |Photographer: Grace Hill Images

Kyrsta Rodden knows a thing or two about self-love and empowerment, and that’s exactly what she brings to her singing career. The Dallas-based singer and songwriter exemplifies these qualities through her country music, including her newest song, “Rock Bottom”. Though much of it is personal, she shares her work on YouTube, creating a safe community that encourages others to feel comfortable in their own skin.

Tell us about “Rock Bottom”. What inspired the lyrics?

I wrote “Rock Bottom’’ at a time in my life when I felt really low. You see cliques all the time and even though I never had to face bullying, I still never really felt like I belonged to a certain clique and was often that friend that was being left out of all the plans. At that time in my career, I was ready to start making music of my own and I knew that I wanted to be that artist that can uplift people and make them feel not so alone. When writing my first song, I wanted to take something really personal to me and something that not only I, but millions of other people can relate to, and make it a beautiful message. So then, “Rock Bottom” was born. In the first verse, the lyrics talk about someone trying to hide their pain after they had just been through a rough time, but there is someone that sees you and there is someone that is going to get you and help you. Then you go into the chorus and it says, “when you hit rock bottom, no I won’t run away,” and that is basically the message of the whole song. I needed someone who would be there for me when I hit “Rock Bottom” and that someone for me was my music!

Our September issue is our ‘Girl Boss’ issue. What does being a Girl Boss mean to you?

Being a Girl Boss to me means getting your stuff done and not letting anyone tell you what to do; blocking out the haters and being the best version of you that you can. To me, a Girl Boss does not spend their time on people who are not helping her get to where she needs to go or on people who are dragging her down. Girl Bosses know what they want. They are going to get there one way or another, and they are not going to let anyone else tell them how to do it. A Girl Boss doesn’t need a man and can provide for herself just fine and most importantly, she does everything with confidence and believes that she can do anything she puts her mind to!

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