1 minute read


Interview by Carol Wright |Photographer: @alexamapes

Angelina Mapes, who goes by Lina, was singing before she was talking. Throughout her life she was exposed to different genres of music due to her large family and that soon led her to taking vocal lessons. Now, she is focusing on her career and creating beautiful, soulful, and personal songs. Her recent single “Off Guard” demonstrates that Mapes is one to watch.

Has music always been something you wanted to pursue?

Music has always been something that I wanted to pursue. I’m the youngest of five siblings, all of whom have different tastes in music. Even my parents don’t agree on one genre of music that they love. My mom loves classics and ’80s and my dad loves country. It was all of the different styles of music that I was exposed to which helped me form my love of music. We even have a running joke around my house where my family says that I was singing before I was talking! Honestly, looking back on home movies I think this might be true. As I grew up and started taking my first vocal and piano lessons, it became clear that I had a true passion, one that I wanted to pursue, and so I did!

Did it feel therapeutic to create the song “Off Guard”?

Once I was able to go over everything that I had written, I instantly felt a little lighter! I was able to physically see all of the emotions that I had been carrying around on my shoulders. It was like I was able to offload that weight which felt both lightening and therapeutic! It is still hard listening to the song because it brings back a lot of the emotions I felt during that time, but it also allows me to always hold onto a part of my uncle even after he’s gone, and for that I am grateful!

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