1 minute read

Below Deck




Love Knots

These uniquely Pacific Northwest gift ideas from ANDREW HOGE are sure to float their boats just in time for Valentine’s Day.


1. Aquamarine glassybaby Candle Votive

Finding a uniquely timeless gift can be as tricky to navigate as rough seas. But it will be smooth sailing when you hand your beloved a hand-blown glass votive from Seattle-based glassybaby, where every candle purchase gives back to a good cause. Instead of a traditional red or white hue, opt for the gorgeous sea-inspired aquamarine color to add a nauticalinspired touch to any décor. ($60; glassybaby.com)

2. Prada Luna Rossa Ocean Eau de Toilette

The sweet and salty smell of the open sea can be a nostalgic aroma for the seasoned sailor, but there are times one might prefer to mix things up. Pick up a bottle of Prada’s Luna Rossa Ocean Eau de Toilette and embrace a leather-forward pallet of bergamot, sage, and vetiver for special evenings on deck. ($80-$100; available at area Nordstrom stores, nordstrom.com)

3. Amalfi Coast Coffee Table Book

There are coffee table books, and then there are coffee table books. For the latter, one only need turn to this gorgeous binder of beautiful photography from Carlos Souza and Charlene Shorto published by Assouline Press. Snag a copy of Amalfi Coast to give your cabin some serious design cred while daydreaming with your honey about la dolce vita. ($105; available at Penelope and the Beauty Bar in Seattle, penelopeandthebeautybar.com)

4. Seattle Chocolate Pacific Northwest Gift Box

What’s better than chocolate? The answer is a gorgeous fuchsia box filled with bite-sized truffles and chocolate bars kissed with notes of sea salt, Pike Place espresso, and more, all inspired by the San Juan Islands. In addition to satisfying your partner’s sweet tooth, 10% of each sale supports Girls Inc., an organization that inspires all girls to be strong, smart, and bold. ($69.99; seattlechocolate.com)

Andrew Hoge is a Seattle-based fashion, beauty, and lifestyle writer who covers the Pacific Northwest’s evolving style and cultural scene. Follow his perspective on Instagram at @andrewhoge.

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