1 minute read

Hoffman Estates, Illinois

“We would like to THANK YOU for the gi of the seat li . Team Gleason and Numotion made this so easy for us as we did not need to ‘jump through hoops’ for help. You should have seen Eddie’s smile when he was in his chair... the ROHO cushion is so comfortable for him, and a provides him a feeling of independence again. We were recently celebra!ng his birthday with our family,and dinner was ready, and we went out front to see where he was... it turns out, Eddie’s new sense of independence brought him up to the court and he was talking to our neighbors! I am so happy that he has this. These photos show when we just received it and his license plate on the back of the wheelchair - FAST EDDIE.”

Murfreesboro, TN

“Wheelchairs are freedom. Without these four wheels I wouldn’t be able to live my best life. We can do anything with the right accommoda!ons and accessibility!”

- Jordyn

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