3 minute read

National REIA… a ‘Trusted Authority’ in Real Estate Investing

By Rebecca McLean, Executive Director, National REIA

It’s the first quarter of the year, and I have been talking with friends about creating a vision for our lives that is more compelling than simply money –and about how ironic it is that, as an investor, when our visions are bigger than just making money, we tend to make big money. Zig Ziglar is often quoted as saying, “You can have everything you want in life if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” This is why I am so excited – and you should be too – because applying this idea is how you become the successful real estate investor you aspire to be.


Our REIAs help you understand that solving challenges for people is how you make the most money. Improving communities as you invest is how to be wealthy in spirit and finances. This principle is what drives National REIA, its chapters, local associations, and the investing community that will support you in pursuing your vision.

At National REIA, we are also taking the idea of a BIG vision and focusing on applying that to our plans for 2023. We look forward to pursuing this expanded vision over the next 12 months. Thanks to the efforts of previous presidents, previous and current boards, and the staff of National REIA, we are taking our place among other influential large professional associations. In 2022, the Business Courier named National REIA one of the largest business advocacy groups. This didn’t happen overnight, and it didn’t happen by accident. It happened as a result of a vision and the efforts of those who came before us. That extraordinary effort is why we are where we are today. As that vision has helped create more and more success, it’s time to build the vision even bigger!

All across the modern REIA landscape, and in fact, our entire culture, change increasingly seems to be the only constant. And the fast-paced diversification of our members and potential members and their investing strategies is transforming many of the industry’s rules. We are seeing unprecedented swings in markets from up to down and back up; swings from no buyers to no sellers; new regulations, new laws, and new players. It’s enough to drive any individual investor crazy! More than a half-century of economic change, social change, and perhaps most importantly, governmental change has also changed the real-estate-investing industry. As a result, REIAs and the services and support we offer have had to change. Opportunities have exploded, and the antes for today’s REIA groups and leaders has risen right alongside them. To support our members with all of this change, we are rolling out exceptional new programs and resources to benefit our associations and members.

We are poised for our most incredible leap forward to date. We have the edge. We aren’t just individual investors. We are a community of investors – a large association.

I believe that change is here to stay and that it will be our greatest advantage as an organization and as individual investors. How? By using the built-in advantages we have as an organization: our numbers, our collective personal contacts, our networking, and events that keep expanding in size, professionalism, and influence.

We are a growing organization that is about networking, supporting each other and doing it better with more integrity and professionalism than the average investor portrayed in the media. By raising our standards in how we do business and standing up and fighting for the property rights of real estate investors across America, we will change how we are perceived. Being a member of National REIA should be something we are proud to put on our business cards and websites. When they hear the words National REIA, our goal is for the public to immediately associate that name with the “trusted authority” in real-estate investing.

So, look out for new opportunities, programs, and events designed to serve you to become the real-estate investor you want to be. You can subscribe to our Weekly Roundup, visit our online news site at Real Estate Investing Today (.com), check out our monthly REIA Now broadcast, and read your copy of our quarterly publication, the Real Estate Journal, to stay connected to our ongoing updates. And perhaps most importantly, visit your local REIA’s monthly meeting for even more local benefits and updates.