6 minute read



How Joanna Owen Schmergel ’99 put her MBA and Airborne training to use to help Boston-area students



The Lincoln, Mass., METCO Coordinating Committee (MCC) was established in 1966 with a mission to strengthen diversity within the suburban town’s public schools, initially by organizing transportation for students of color from Boston neighborhoods. MCC had always enjoyed broad community endorsement. But as the pool of mostly older donors narrowed and the list of volunteers shortened in more recent years, the committee struggled to keep pace with its expanding wish list of initiatives they hoped to support.

That’s when Joanna Owen Schmergel ’99 parachuted onto the scene.

A former lieutenant in the Army’s elite 82nd Airborne Division, Joanna had moved to the predominantly white suburb in 2013 with her husband and toddler with a second child on the way. One morning six years ago, she opened her inbox to an appeal from Erica Gonella, MCC treasurer.


Photograph by Jason Grow

“It really touched me,” Schmergel recalls. “I hadn’t heard of the organization, but its mission of diversity, equity, and inclusion is something my late father had always been very passionate about. So I impulsively made a gift in his honor.”

It was a fairly significant gift, one noticed by the MCC president at the time, Pilar Doughty.

“Out of nowhere we get this donation from Joanna, see that she has a young family, and realized that we had to reach out,” Doughty said. Schmergel responded by jumping feet-first, Airborne style, into the opportunity to carry her father’s legacy forward.

From the get-go, she brought the same motivation and doggedness to her new volunteer venture that had characterized her time on the Hill. (While at Norwich, Schmergel was one of only two Norwich cadets to earn the double tab reserved for graduates of both Air Assault School and Airborne School.) She also brought the business acumen she’d acquired from her MBA program at Simmons College in Boston.

In six short years, Schmergel has helped guide the process of organizing the MCC as a 501(c)(3) entity; has participated in MCC’s school-based reading program to address literacy and achievement gaps among kindergartners; and established an MCC-funded scholarship program so that Lincoln’s Boston-resident students can attend the town’s annual four-week summer day camp. Most notably, Schmergel also established a running estate sale called “Downsize for Diversity” that engages a dozen volunteers who inspire hundreds of donors and buyers from countless communities around the state to support MCC’s mission and programming. Since 2017, the enterprise has raised nearly $100,000 toward an endowment fund that will help ensure MCC’s impact well into the future. A portion of those funds will also help facilitate a new racial justice and implicit bias training program in the Lincoln school system that ultimately will be open to the entire community.

Doughty, who has since moved on from her role as MCC president to serve on its board and as co-chair of the Lincoln PTO, credits Schmergel’s military background for her outsized impact on METCO HISTORY The Metropolitan Council for Educational Opportunity (METCO) is a Massachusetts program established in 1966 to increase diversity and reduce racial isolation in the public school system. Initially funded by a grant from the Carnegie Foundation and the United States Department of Education, METCO matches students within the Boston and Springfield school districts with participating suburban host communities. It remains the largest, and second oldest, voluntary program of its kind in the country. Today, nearly 3,300 Boston-based students attend school in one of 38 different districts outside the city, including Lincoln.

the organization. An Air Force veteran herself, she recognizes in Schmergel the authority, attention to detail, and ability to take care of others that characterize a true leader.

“She pitches in at every level,” Doughty says, “and she treats everyone who helps her with a tremendous amount of respect.”

“My dad taught me that racial equality begins with children and how they’re raised,” Schmergel says. “I’m just honored to be part of a program that’s helping ensure not only that my own children, but kids all over Lincoln, are growing up to be open-minded.”

No doubt, her father would be proud.


Helping New Mothers Cope

Thirty years ago, three young Norwich alumnae established a nonprofit to help new mothers deal with postpartum depression. Their organization continues to help families and their newborns today


New mothers too often face the realities of postpartum depression alone, where their struggles are kept in the house and out of public view. Thirty years ago, three Norwich grads did something to help.

In 1991, Terry Howe ’87, Maureen Larsen ’90, and Sara Conlon Nevin ’91 founded Good Beginnings of Central Vermont. The program paired trained volunteers with new mothers during weekly home visits designed to relieve isolation and reconnect new families with their communities. The trio drew on their training in child development, nursing, and psychology to add more services, including prenatal instruction, fatherhood initiatives, and direct financial support for impoverished families.

The NU alumnae knew that their work extended beyond the health of the mother. By making the first days of life more stable and secure, the volunteers of Good Beginning promoted a secure child—increasing the odds that as adults they would retain a more positive outlook, higher self-esteem, and develop a conscience. Today, Good Beginnings serves over 150 families a year.

Other Norwich women have also directly supported the nonprofit. The late Carol Todd, wife of President Emeritus Maj. Gen. W. Russell Todd ’50, helped establish the program’s nonprofit status. Jaime Schneider also offered assistance over many years, while NU Center for Civic Engagement director Nicole DiDomenico MPA’15 has directed volunteer student programs from Norwich.

Looking back, Conlon Nevin expresses admiration that what began as a simple concept—putting volunteers into the home with new mothers—made such a difference for those who couldn’t afford long hospital stays or hired help. “Our work was designed to reduce postpartum depression,” she says. “We just needed to show that someone cared about these mothers. Time and again, they would say they couldn’t believe that anyone would help them and not receive any money for it.”

Conlon Nevin recalls working with a single mother who had been at home already with a two-year-old, before suddenly caring for newborn twins. During the first visit, the mother couldn’t get out of bed, Nevin recalls. “We put two volunteers with her and doubled up on the number of visits each week for a long time, perhaps a year.”

“We laughed about that later,” Conlon Nevin says. “[The mother] caught on … raised those children herself, went on to college to become a social worker who would do home visits herself.”

Today, Conlon Nevin remains active with Good Beginnings as a board member. She remembers fondly her fellow co-founder Maureen Larsen, who passed away in 2017. “Her endearing personality and skills as a registered nurse from Norwich enabled her to forge lasting friendships with families and on many occasions led to successful advocacy on their behalf. She made an ongoing difference in central Vermont for the past 30 years.” Larsen and her husband were a beloved presence at annual fundraising events for many years until his passing in 2016.

Good Beginnings Executive Director Gretchen Elias reflects on the legacy of the Norwich alumnae. “They were truly ahead of their time. In the intervening years, the lasting benefit of home-visiting programs for parent, child, and community alike has been well-established by child development and early education research.”

Thirty years on, Good Beginnings continues the work and legacy of Conlon Nevin, Howe, and Larsen. Because of them, scores of new mothers each year find that postpartum depression doesn’t have to be endured alone.

Associate Professor of English Kyle Pivetti, PhD teaches Renaissance literature at Norwich and serves on the board of Good Beginnings of Central Vermont. His most recent book is Shakespeare at Peace.