4 minute read

Executive Officer’s

by Judie Docs, CSP, MCSP, MIRM, CMP, CGP

“NCBIA members are automatically

enrolled as members in the Ohio Home Builders Association (OHBA) and the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). Each association offers extensive benefits that enhance your NCBIA benefits.


of Membership!

Three memberships in one! As you know NCBIA members are automatically enrolled as members in the Ohio Home Builders Association (OHBA) and the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). Each association offers extensive benefits that enhance your NCBIA benefits. This month I will focus on some of the resources NAHB offers you in the way of benefits and education.

NAHB members save thousands of dollars each year thanks to NAHB’s advocacy efforts and other member benefits. While home building is a challenging industry, NAHB’s resources, expertise, and educational opportunities can help you build a better product, build a better business, and create a more positive business environment.

The five pillars of NAHB membership – ADVOCACY – EXPERTISE – KNOWLEDGE – NETWORKING – SAVINGS form the foundation to build your future.

Top Industry Publications

Contact:Paul Lopez plopez@nahb.org (202) 266-8409

SGC Horizon is the nation’s leading residential construction-related media company and the publisher of the top business-to-business media resource for the housing industry, ProBuilder Magazine — the new official publication of NAHB. Through this collaboration, as an NAHB member, you will have unlimited access to SGC Horizon’s online content and print publications focusing on key industry trends and issues, including: • Best business practices, • Construction tips, • Innovation and technology, • Sales and marketing, and • Information on the latest building products.

SGC Horizon also produces other monthly and quarterly publications focused on remodeling, custom building, and multifamily development.

Industry News

Not receiving NAHB newsletters? Send an email to communications@nahb.org or find out what you can do to make sure they are delivered to your inbox.

Weekly Newsletters

• Monday Morning Briefing: A compilation of industry and membership news. Open subscription; sent to all members. • Friday Morning Email and What’s Up Wednesday: NAHB updates sent to Executive Officers Council members. • Housing Headlines: Recap of the week’s most important housing news stories; automatically sent to all members. • NAHB Student Chapter Update: Focuses on our student chapter program and workforce development issues. Open subscription; sent to

Student Chapter members.


• Eye on the Economy: A compilation of NAHB’s economic blog posts; open subscription. • AHG Affordable Housing Monitor: Sent to NAHB Affordable Housing Group members. • Multifamily Hotline: Delivers economic, regulatory, and legislative news specific to the multifamily sector; sent to NAHB Multifamily Council members and subscribers.


• 55+ eSource: Provides regulatory, economic, and legislative news, design trends and information on new 55+ communities; sent to NAHB 55+ Housing Industry Council members. • Council Connection: Highlights of NAHB Council activities and news; sent to HBA staff and leadership. • NAHB Production Builders Update: A compilation of industry news of interest to large-volume builders. • NSMC eNews: Updates on NAHB and industry sales and marketing news; sent to National Sales & Marketing Council members. • ReNews: Updates on NAHB and remodeling industry news; sent to NAHB Remodelers members. • Systems-Built Advantage: Provides news and insights regarding the offsite construction industry; open subscription. • Member Advantage e-Newsletter: Updates on top-brand discounts available with NAHB membership; sent to all members.


• Green Intersects eNews: Providing top industry news and resources for the sustainability and green building industry; open subscription. • The Corner Office: Sent to 20 Club members. • Member Advantage Update: The latest information on NAHB’s savings program; sent to HBA executive officers and staff.

Three Times a Year

• CAPS Connection: Sent to Certified Aging-Place Specialist designees.


• BUILD-PAC Buzz: Sent to NAHB political action committee contributors. • The Credential: Sent to Housing Credit Certified Professional designees. • NAHB Global eNews Report: Sent to NAHB Global members. • We-Connect: Sent to Professional Women in Building members.


NAHB Consistently Delivers Value for Its Members

NAHB fights for its members on Capitol Hill, in state houses and in the communities where they do business. We work hard to defeat excessive regulations and to protect our members’ bottom lines. Our advocacy efforts include educating policymakers and the Administration, building successful coalitions, and mobilizing NAHB’s grassroots on a range of issues.

NAHB advocates on behalf of its members on a wide range of issues, including the tax code, federal housing programs, regulatory relief, environmental laws, building codes, OSHA, building materials, housing finance and more. A single win in the policy arena can save builders thousands of dollars on every home they build.

In recent years, the association's advocacy efforts and other member benefit offerings have provided members with tremendous value — equal to approximately $6,160 per housing start in 2020.

This significant savings makes membership in NAHB an essential tool for smart home builders and the diverse businesses that support the home building industry.

I hope you found this information useful. Please let me know if you have any questions. I will continue sharing NAHB, OHBA and NCBIA benefits in future issues of our Builder Newsletter.