5 minute read

July 2022

BE 100% “FUELISH”, (not Foolish) For OPTIMAL AGING


Barb Anstead

Holistic Nutritionist


As a Metabolic Balance Lifestyle Coach and Holistic Nutritionist, I’m no stranger to health challenges.

Whether for my loved ones or myself personally, there have been multiple occasions of critical importance!

Serious adversity requires educating and empowering yourself, working with the appropriate professionals and taking deliberate action on your new knowledge base. In my home office and at Dover Apothecary, we are passionate about supporting our clients and community with the resources, products and education they require to be the best versions of themselves.

If we are trying to repair, protect or recover from ANYTHING, it becomes imperative that we increase our health-supportive habits – especially as we age. We also need to “step it up” if we have genetic predispositions or need to recover from accidents or mishaps.

Since the May long weekend, I have been in the process of assisting my body and brain in recovering from a nasty fall and concussion (#8). This one rattled my cage pretty good and has been a real wake-up call! I knew I was improving when my husband joked that my theme song should be “Tubthumping” by Chumbawamba. LOL. My plan and process for optimal recovery are that I need to make health-supportive and nutritional

choices 80 to 100% of the time for the next while to facilitate my body in this recovery. I educate myself which in turn empowers me, I seek out the appropriate health professionals and I act on the knowledge and expertise.

Our bodies are nothing short of a miracle! We can, at our own risk, ignore the signs and symptoms we are given. A consistent series of choices that overburden and insult our bodies have become the real global epidemic of chronic dis-ease. If we truly want to feel our best, we likely need to adjust our choices. The severity of a health problem will dictate the degree to which we need to make these adjustments. Life will always be an attempt to balance but the more moderate we are in “insulting” our bodies the more our bodies can thrive with homeostasis/balance. This leaves us with optimal levels of energy, resources, and the ability to restore and have the vitality and quality of life we desire.

The reality is that life gets both busy and messy! There are many things we enjoy that may not serve us as the best of choices. Instead of feeling guilty or binging, I find most people can comfortably use an 80/20 balance for their “Fuel/Nutrition” choices without having too many negative consequences. **This is dependent on age, current and overall health status and of course, all the other lifestyle factors considered. In a Nutritional Consultation, this interplay of the “Basic” and fundamental health strategies is part of the plan or program that is agreed upon for an individual. With age and cumulative health challenges, the basics become much more important. We want our fuel choices to convert to usable energy for enjoying life not to be wasted upon repair efforts. Chances are that the average person over 35 years of age, will be incurring cellular damage leading to chronic health problems with a nutrition status balance of 70/30. That means your choices are causing more energy expenditure going toward repair than usable energy and good health. That begs the question “What do you want for the future you?” What are your hopes, dreams, goals, and aspirations or ambitions?

Metabolically, we have over 50 hormones influencing and orchestrating every physiological process that occurs!! Imbalance in any of these, in turn, will ultimately decide our functional potential. Learning about and coaching my Metabolic Balance clients has been an amazing opportunity in my career. I love the achievements and successes they celebrate with their hard work and dedication.

Pain, inflammation, chronic dis-ease and ailments of all types, joint and mobility issues, anxiety, depression, cardiovascular disease, weight management issues, blood sugar and metabolic imbalances, Type 2 diabetes, digestive and bowel health complaints and conditions, dementias - all of these conditions and more, are either positively or negatively influenced to a greater or lesser extent by our “FUELISHNESS” and our lifestyle habits.

Good health is not a birthright. Life is a gift, a challenge, and a responsibility. I encourage you to cherish yours. Would you like guidance or assistance? We are never too old or too young to make positive changes for our health and well-being! I’m here for you if you feel “knocked down” and want to get up again!

FYI to everyone - NEVER pull your lawnmower while walking backwards down a hill… mindfulness and performing activities safely are just as important as sound nutrition if we want to age gracefully and safely.

Barb Anstead NNCP: (519)410-3544 | barb@healthywellandwise.ca Dover Apothecary: (519)583-3784 | customerservice@doverapothecary.ca

MICHAEL MARINI, B.Sc. Phm. Pharmacist

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