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Planned Giving

NOLS’ planned giving program was established in 1999, and in the 20 years since then, more than 160 people have chosen to leave behind a personal legacy gift that aligns with their values. That’s at the core of NOLS’ Planned Giving program: to provide a way for dedicated friends of NOLS to invest in the future of the school while leaving behind a meaningful legacy. Planned gifts also can yield financial benefits to donors, often providing tax relief for themselves or their heirs.

A planned gift to NOLS is, for many donors, the largest gift they’ll ever make. We appreciate the generosity and foresight of those who make a deferred gift to the school or include NOLS in their estate plan, ensuring our continued growth and solidifying our mission.

The pairing of a sound financial decision and a legacy that reflects their values likely contributes to the steady growth of the Summit Team, the recognition society for those who have chosen to include NOLS in their estate plan. In the last five years, the NOLS Summit Team has increased by 6.5 percent, including 10 members who joined the team in Fiscal Year 2019.

Thanks to all NOLS Summit Team members, whose thoughtful planning and commitment helps assure a strong and secure future for NOLS. GIVING | PLANNED GIVING BENEFITS FOR BOTH DONORS AND NOLS

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