1 minute read

dispute stalled in court

By Derek Neary Northern News Services

There were 262 high school graduates in Nunavut in 2022, down from 287 in 2021. The graduate rate came in at 38.4 per cent last year, below the 43.6 per cent recorded a year earlier.

There were 130 students who earned diplomas in the Qikiqtani region in 2022, 109 in the Kivalliq region, 18 from the Kitikmeot and five grads emerged from the Pathway to Adult Secondary School Program. Enrolment for the 2022-23 school year, as of Sept. 30, added up to 10,629 territory-wide. That’s down slightly from 10,769 students in 2021-22.

There were 5,134 pupils in the Qikiqtani region, 3,364 in the Kivalliq and 2,048 in the Kitikmeot. Ecole des Trois-Soleils, the kindergarten to Grade 9 French school in Iqaluit, had 84 students registered.

Nunavut doesn’t have junior kindergarten or pre-kindergarten as part of its school programming. There are preschools and Aboriginal Head Start Programs, but they are run inde-

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