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No rush in this decentralized world

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Many viable post-grad paths

By Stewart Burnett

Not everyone has to go to college. Not everyone has to go to post-secondary school the first year after high school, the second or even ever.

A lot of the focus and narrative for high school graduates is what they’re going to take in college and what career path they want to follow. Although these are important subjects, they don’t necessarily need answers as soon as the grad cap lands back on the floor.

People mature and develop at different rates and in different ways.

We live in a beautiful world –though currently experiencing challenging economic times – that offers freedom of choice and myriad options to pursue a career. And even if you make the ‘wrong’ choice, it will offer valuable lessons you wouldn’t have learned otherwise.

If you’re unsure, you don’t have to step. Samantha Putumiraqtuq of Baker Lake gave good advice about the need to save up money, as student funding is usually quite limited. If you live in a stable home in your community, your first few post-grad years can be tremendously financially beneficial for you to save up without having to pay significant housing and grocery costs.

Stewart Burnett

In my own friend group, we all took different paths post-grad. I hated school and took some college courses but soon found a career in journalism before finishing. Other friends went straight into construction and became very well-off. Others went the traditional degree route into business jobs, while some of my closest continued living with their parents while working and pursued passions like music and writing.

Today, there are even more options for youth, who can viably develop careers through social media or learn at their own guidance on the internet before deciding whether traditional school is necessary.

Graduating high school is a momentous occasion and something to be proud of. It’s exciting at first, but the reality that post-grad life means more expenses and responsibilities can dull the fire over time.

A lot of people take until their mid and late 20s to truly come into