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Academic quality and distinctiveness

We give our students a university experience that is both challenging and rewarding. On our journey to 2028, our programmes will continue to be regularly updated, emphasising experiential learning opportunities which draw on our engineering expertise and align to our mission, to ensure they reflect the values of our core philosophy.

These learning experiences foster practical skills as well as valuable life lessons; they are underpinned by engineering excellence. By 2028, we aim to be well on our way to full degree awarding powers and official university title.

Inclusive cohorts and successful students

We are committed to creating new pathways into degree-level engineering and technology. Our pedagogical approaches and support structures will provide students with the essential tools, resources, and services needed for success — not only on our programmes, but in their future lives too. We will attract more students who might not normally consider a career in engineering but have attributes such as resilience, determination and imagination.

We will have a diverse student community by 2028 that embraces differences; our students will be empowered to form a successful Students’ Union with sector-leading activities, volunteering opportunities and support services. We pledge a minimum of £500k per year in bursary and scholarship support to encourage female students, and those from local communities or underprivileged backgrounds to give equal opportunity access.

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