2 minute read

1. Welcome from the Principal

1 WELCOME from


North London Collegiate School Jeju is a school that draws on a long and established history of educational excellence. The pioneering work of Frances Mary Buss, over 170 years ago, in North London, UK, paved the way for an exciting and inclusive movement in the education of young women.

NLCS UK went on to build on this innovative approach to education and prides itself on its clear vision of academic excellence and passion for subject knowledge and integrity, as well as its holistic approach to all aspects of an exceptional education.

At NLCS Jeju we are building on these foundations to create an environment where each student is valued and develops his or her full potential to achieve academically and holistically. We know that our students develop their passions for academic and intellectual study in a challenging and risk-taking environment. Our current parents choose NLCS Jeju as they recognise our students develop self-confidence, a sense of inner worth and responsibility and yet they are cheerful, balanced, at ease with themselves and each other. Students have tremendous enthusiasm for the challenges before them. They might add that we succeed in combining academic excellence with a wealth of co-curricular opportunities, all underpinned by a deep commitment to the individual needs and enthusiasms of each student.

As Principal, I am committed to ensuring that the passions and potential of each individual is unlocked. We will strive to ensure every student at NLCS Jeju is valued in his or her own right, encouraged to develop his or her talents to the full in a community where there are no stereotypes and where every achievement, however small, is celebrated. We nurture each student through recognising and supporting his or her individual and unique needs within a pastoral environment, where no child is unsupported at our school, or at risk of ever ‘slipping through the net’.

It is the people and community which make NLCS Jeju such a special place. Our students have a thirst for knowledge and learning and so are a delight to teach. Our students and staff enthusiastically embrace the range of experiences on offer taking full advantage of our excellent facilities within a prime location on the beautiful island of Jeju. Certainly, our boarding students recognise the unique opportunity to be part of a community 24 hours a day and to benefit from an exceptional experience. We have a tremendously supportive partnership with our parents who contribute a huge amount of time and energy to supporting our activities and events.

We wish you all a wonderful year at NLCS Jeju.

Lynne Oldfield, Principal.