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Different level of a Japanese language course!

There is something about foreign languages that it has always attracted aspirants since forever. Japanese is amongst foreign languages that has seen a rise in demand in the recent years. The demand for language has increased due to the emergence of business at different levels. There are many steps in the process of learning this language. Before you enroll for a Business Japanese Course you need to understand about the courses and known which course shall be appropriate for you. There are three basic levels of courses offered at a Japanese language academy. Your knowledge and skill in the subject depends upon the kind of course you join for this subject. In this article, we will discuss about different levels of the Japanese language courses.

Beginner Level


Japanese language beginner students come for a variety of reasons. Some of them aren't interested in learning more about the language. It is possible for a beginner level student to learn a foreign language in preparation for a trip abroad. Those who are interested in learning the basics are willing to do it as a hobby. It never matters what the duration of a beginner language course is, since it is always an introductory course. Choosing a Japanese language course, you should check how many semesters the course is divided into. Basic course students learn verbs, nouns, and adjectives, as well as numbers. Traveling the country and bargaining while shopping or traveling between cities won't be a problem for a student at the beginner level. You could also travel by public transportation and eat at restaurants as a beginner.

Intermediate Level

Intermediate is the next level course in the hierarchy of learning Japanese language. After this course you will be able to communicate in the language with ease. Through this course you will have a good grasp of writing and reading in this language. At the Intermediate level, there are certain gaps to fill, but your skills can be used to apply for jobs. Language training careers can also be made through intermediate levels. In this way, students who are willing to earn money from their language skills can start working as language trainers. In order to build credibility over your resume, if you are looking for language training, make sure you get accreditation for teaching. You can get enrolled in a Business Japanese Course for achieving an intermediate proficiency, but you may need to pass an entrance test for the same.

Advanced Level

The student has a good understanding of the language at this proficiency level. It is possible to get a job as a language specialist if you have an advanced level of education. Translators and interpreters are also eligible for advanced-level jobs. To demonstrate his skills, the student must take an examination before completing the course. This is the highest level you can achieve in a language. Despite advanced being a higher level of proficiency than intermediate, a mentor is still necessary for students of this level of proficiency. Since the language is no longer a barrier for an advanced student, he can also explore on his own.


The process of learning a language depends on your progress, precision and determination. The level of your proficiency depends upon the type of course you complete. Learning a language doesn’t only means gaining proficiency is spoken skills, proficiency in script proficiency. A complete Japanese language course is a package of reading, writing and speaking skills. For the best results you need to master all three of them together.