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Work Environment

Making the workplace feel like more than just work.


Happier employees are more productive and creative.

Strives to create an environment where employees are free to express their creativity

Are encouraged to work in any environment they please, aren’t restricted to a cubicle

Can decide to work in lounge areas, the cafeteria, in bean bag chairs, etc.

Flat organizational structure, encouraging all employees to share their voice. Allows communication between employees of any level.

Street art

Murals in Detroit go back further than most people would imagine—almost 100 years, to 1932. Famous Mexican painter Diego Rivera was commissioned by the Detroit Institute of Art (DIA) to paint murals on the four walls of the DIA’s Garden Court, now known as the Rivera Court. Southwest Detroit area has some of the brightest, most vibrant murals in the city. These murals were largely painted by Mexican-American artists. Graffiti allows people to have the opportunity to create their own identities within a society that generally limits their voice.