2 minute read

Organisation as a driver of productivity

A clear inbox =

a productive day


Think about how you feel once you’ve organised something. At home, perhaps it’s the messy kitchen drawer. At work, it could be reaching the end of your email inbox. Jo Peters

at JSP Virtual told Niche why a clear inbox leads to a productive day WORDS BY EMILY MILLER

When my email inbox is properly organised, I know I feel much clearer, more productive and able to turn my attention towards the day’s important work or relaxing properly, when time allows.

How about you? Do you feel more productive? Like you can concentrate on actually running your business?

Whether at home or at work, being organised always feels good. However, organisation at work is more than a feelgood moment. It makes things more efficient, productive and ultimately, more profitable. Though it can make you feel bad too.

Let me explain. Once your inbox is clear and your to-do list is complete, and you get that ‘winning feeling’, there’s immediately more added and that high from being on top of it all is lost. Not to mention the efficiency and profitability that came with it. Know that feeling?

“Oh yes definitely, I know that feeling,” Jo Peters from JSP Virtual agrees. “I see it in 99% of clients that come to us for our remote receptionist and diary services in particular.

“There aren’t enough hours in their day to dedicate to organising work admin, which in turn affects home life and the stresses of trying to do it all.”

So, what’s the answer? Jo suggests considering outsourcing.


In recent years, businesses have found that the culture and advancements in technology have meant that working remotely and outsourcing your workload not only works, but actually saves time and money – both precious resources for any business owner.

“Outsourcing is more affordable than people think. By using a company like ours as a remote receptionist, diary manager and business support assistant, they are saving money in what would ordinarily be an in-house employee’s job, and they’re saving their time as a business owner.

“They get all the benefits of feeling organised and productive, in the knowledge that the admin side of their business is taken care of professionally.”

As you start the new year in business, that reached-the-endof-the-inbox feeling might just be achieved by outsourcing. You can call Jo on 0116 366 2044 for more time-saving tips.