17 minute read
Click HERE to view our 2nd Class Webpage
So far this year in second class we have learned a lot. We learned about houses. For example, we learned that there are lots of different types of houses, like detached, semi-detached, apartments, bungalows and cottages. We did an experiment on the digestive system for the Reel Life Science Competition. We made poo! We learned an Irish song called the Hócaí Pócaí. At the moment we are doing Halloween Aistear and Halloween art.
By Sebastian B., Alex, Seán, Rokas and Bradley

Space Week is a special week to learn about and celebrate space. You can go to a website called spaceweek.ie to learn about space. If you download Google Earth you can look at Earth from space. You can press a button to look at Google Moon, Google Mars and Google Sky. Here are some space facts! There are 8 planets in the solar system. When stars make a pattern in the sky it

Aistear helps us to learn and have fun. The more we do it the more we learn. We learn about themes and every month we change the theme. It’s really fun. We do role play, small world, playdough, construction and art. This month the theme is autumn. We do role play to act out and experience different things. We love playing in our farmers market. We harvest all the crops. Then we sell the crops. The chef uses them to cook soup and make pies. In small world we play with the people, a is called a constellation. Mars is the called the red planet because of iron oxide on its’ surface. The biggest volcano in our solar system is called Olympus Mons and it is on Mars. The holes on the surface of Mars and the moon are called craters. Earth is very different to Mars because it is blue and green. The green is land and the blue is sea or water. On Mars we would be lighter because of gravity.
Shared writing my M. Lisa’s 2nd class.

tractor and a combine harvester. The people bring food to the city. Then they harvest more food.
There are lots of building
blocks and lego for construction. We are so happy to have Aistear.
Writen by Múinteoir Amy’s 2nd Class
Click HERE to view our 2nd Class Webpage

Space Week 2021 was a fantastic week in M. Lisa's 2nd class . We learned about Mars, our
solar system and constellations . We even made Martians!
our 2nd class boys #spaceweek#stemeducation
Amazing work from some of

Click HERE to view our 3rd Class Webpage

Muinteoir Mairead’s 3rd class have been working very hard making a shock absorbing system for astronauts to land on another planet safely. The materials we used were elastic bands, paper cups, marshmallows, straws and cardboard. We tried to make it so it didn’t crash land. We put 2 marshmallows in as the astronauts. We also made planets during our artwork to create the scene for the landing. We recorded a video and entered a competition so fingers crossed we win!! We loved learning about space travel for Space Week.
By Aidan Pinto and Daniel O’ Sullivan

Our Friend Alfie
Our new friend Alfie joined us in September. He helps us settle into school each day. When Alfie wears a green vest we can’t distract him because it’s his training time. He spends his days helping students and sleeping in the office. Even though he is a dog he is our best friend.
Filip Slawinski
Alfie is really cute and cuddly. He is going around to all of the classes to get used to the children. Alfie is a Goldendoodle and he is a puppy. I wonder if Alfie is confused with all of the people around him. Sometimes he comes to my classroom. We saw him on the news too! Alfie helps kids if they are stressed or angry. He goes home with a staff member every night. Alfie has his own bed in the office!
Jack McCarthy Alfie is a very cute and young dog from My Canine Companion. He is very busy all the time because he works with children all day. He is also very tired after he is done from the six hours in school. He is a very good pet for the entire school. He is very fluffy and soft and he calms me down. My dog Barney died recently but Alfie cheers me up when I give him rubs. I hope that Alfie will stay at CBS for a very long time so that he can help all of the students.

Callum Quish
Click HERE to view our 4th Class Webpage

le Jordan McCarthy Keane Tá madra nua againn. Alfie is ainm dó. Tá sé go hálainn. Tá gruaig bhán air. Tá eireaball agus fiacla air. Tá Alfie gleoite agus gruagach. Tá sé ina chónaí san oifig le Letitia. Tá Alfie cairdiúil agus tapa. Itheann Alfie bia madraí. Ólann Alfie uisce.
Is uiliteoir é. Alfie is our new school dog. He is a therapy dog from My Canine Companion. We are so happy to have a school dog. He wanders around the school with our principal in and out of classes. He is being trained by our principal to not get distracted when students are around him. Alfie wears a green vest. When he has the green vest on we know we can’t shout out his name or distract him.
It was a sunny day, but figuratively rainy for the other competitors. The tension was high. It was speech time. It was time to talk. They were extremely good. People made lots of promises. Unfortunately, not all of these promises they could keep. One person stood out for being well organised – Jack. This is why he won my vote. The speeches were told, the votes were cast and the student council competitors were biting their nails (figuratively). The class was silent… then the teacher broke the silence. “The winner is… oh this is a close one… JACK!” At the end of the day everybody won because we got a great representative on the council.

By Ollie Jarosz
We have had a great start to 4th class. We enjoyed learning about Space Week. We learned all about the theme for this years Space Week. The theme was “Women in Space”. We learned all about the first woman in Space. Her name was Valentina Tereshkova. We looked at the Solar System and the Planets. We then designed our own planet. It was very cool!! We also did an art project. We created foil printed moons and they turned out lovely. It was great fun. We read many interesting facts about Space.
We did our first project in 4th class on Ancient Greece. We learned that Ancient Greeks believed in many Gods. In Ancient Greece all boys had to become soldiers when they left school at eighteen. In Ancient Greece they also believed in mythical creatures. The Greek people had a fascination with making vases. We created our own vases in class. We designed and coloured our very own Greek vase. We had a lot of fun!
Click HERE to view our 5th Class Webpage

It’s dark in the night,
With no sense of sight. The owls are hooting,
While the ghosts are booing.
The crickets are snapping, While the skeletons are snapping. The witches holding their brooms With all their might.
And that’s what happens on Halloween night.
By Brian Nimpa

In September, in the CBS, we got a dog like we never had before. His name is Alfie. The people who are keeping him are Príomhoide Niamh and the school secretary, Letitia. He came from My Canine Companion. They trained him but he is still in training. When you see him in a green vest it means you have to ask before you touch him. Alfie is a Goldendoodle. He is so fluffy and has floppy ears. Alfie is really playful and cute. He lies on his back looking for belly rubs when you rub him. Last week we got to know Alfie a bit better. He came with Letitia into our classroom. We got to rub him. He rolled onto his back and we were rubbing his tummy. Then he started licking people’s faces. Alfie is the best boy in the school and everybody loves him!
By Kevin, Damien and Harry

Click HERE to view our 6th Class Webpage

Since we have returned to school we have created some beautiful and fun art. In our first week back, we created some self-portraits using mirrors and photographs of ourselves. Then we did some really cool art based on aboriginal dot paintings. We learned all about the different meanings behind aboriginal symbols and how to use different materials to create dot paintings. We have also created some really cool autumn zentangles and created some really spooky Hallowe’en art.
by Rónán Mackessy
We would like to thank Tesco’s in Midleton for choosing our school for their sponsorship tokens. We are really grateful for all the money received. We are very excited for all the sports equipment we will get with all of this money. We hope we can get more sponsorship money in the future to continue to make our school better.
By Alexander Bursztynski
This term 4th, 5th and 6th class have had an election for Student Council. Each class elects one person to be on the council. In my class two people put themselves forward, I was one of them. We had to make a presentation giving reasons why we should be elected. The other person was fantastic but after our presentations, the class voted and I was elected. My first meeting is soon and I’m so excited. When we meet up we will put forward our ideas and have student voices heard. My ideas were to buy better sports equipment and have soccer balls on the yard. I hope everyone is putting forward good ideas and helping students have their voices heard.
For science week we learned all about our bones, joints and the circulatory system. We learned lots about different types of joints such as ball and socket joints. Hinge joints and gliding joints. We discussed and talked about how the skeleton protects some of our most important organs, in particular our heart and lungs. We learned all about the circulatory system and how our heart is the muscle that pumps blood around our body. We watched some really cool videos and did an experiment to test our heart rates (bpm) at rest and while exercising,.
by Alex Molumby.
By Oliver Taylor

Click HERE to view our 6th Class Webpage

We were very excited when we heard TG4 were coming to our school to talk about our new therapy dog Alfie. Six people from our class were chosen to talk about Alfie for TG4. We did all of the filming in the school garden. 1 person was speaking to the camera while the rest of us were in the background with Alfie. After we were finished the cameraman, Matt came to our classroom and we got to ask him questions about his job. Matt told us about his trips to countries like Africa and America. A person in our class got to lift the camera. He gave us tips on how to make videos and told us editing was now a key part of his job. We enjoyed having Matt in the class.

By James Duggan.
The boys in M. Gails Class have been presenting their fantastic country projects all week. She was amazed at the planning, research and presentation skills the boys had. Here is a snippet of some of their projects. Well done boys

This Halloween our school is going to be doing the ‘Monsters on the Move’. Monsters on the Move is a charity walk. Some of the boys and teachers will get dressed up. Every boy in the school got a Sponsorship Card and if they fill out the whole card they will get a night off homework. On the day of the Monsters on the Move all the boys in the school are going to walk down town and back. 1st,2nd and 3rd will be going first. 4th,5th and 6th will be going after. We are all looking forward to having a fun and exciting day.
By Alessandro De Fritas.
Click HERE to visit our Yellow Corridor webpage

The boys in the Yellow Corridor have been having a blast so far this term. They have all been learning so much. Recently, the boys have been exploring Space Week where they learned about the planets, the moon landing and the Mars rover. They are budding astronauts and scientists in the making. They have also been learning about fire safety which is especially important around Halloween. As Autumn is ending, the boys had been learning about the changing of the seasons, harvest festivals and also enjoying the dry spell of weather with trips to our local playground. Well done boys on a great start to the year!

Colourful Corridors Continued…...

This year, just like every other, the corridors are awash with colour made up of all the hard work of the boys themselves. But unlike any other year you, the parents./guardians cannot get in to see them all. So we decided to put together a montage of all the work that can be seen on our school noticeboards since midterm.

Colourful Corridors Continued…...

Click HERE to visit our Yellow Corridor webpage Colourful Corridors Continued…...

Happy Halloween to everyone from the staff and children at Midleton CBS Primary! Have a safe and healthy Mid-term break and we will see you all on the 1st of November

Contact Information: Midleton CBS Primary School, Rosary Place, Castleredmond, Midleton
P25 EK13 Phone: 021-4631419 Email: office@midletoncbsprimary.ie Website: www.midletoncbsprimary.ie Facebook: www.facebook.com/MidletonCBSPrimary. Twitter: https://twitter.com/midletoncbs Instagram: @midletoncbsprimary YouTube: MidletonCBSPrimary School
Christmas Holidays:
School will close on Tuesday 22nd of December at 12pm and will re-open on Thursday 6th of January 2020.

Spring Mid-Term:
School will be closed on Monday 21st—Friday 25th of February.
St. Patrick’s Weekend:
School will be closed on Wednesday 17th & 18th of March.
Easter Holidays:
School will close on Friday 8th April at 12pm and will re -open on Monday 25th of April.
Public Holiday:
School will be closed on Monday 2nd of May.

Public Holiday:
School will be closed on Monday 6th of June.
Summer Holidays: School will close on