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Be World Ready

Student Engagement and Leadership: Lifetime Leadership Starts Here

NC encourages all students to get involved

We connect students to all sorts of volunteer experiences. The Centre for Student Engagement and Leadership (CSEL) is responsible for Orientation, Student Experience, Leadership Programs, Peer Mentoring Services, and the Co-Curricular Record (CCR) program.

On- and off-campus involvement

As a NC student you can gain recognition for student engagement, leadership and co-curricular activities pursued outside the classroom through your individual Co-Curricular Record (CCR). This official Niagara College document tracks and records your achievements and involvement both on- and off-campus including volunteering, professional development workshops and leadership opportunities. Enhance your resumé and career portfolio and gain a competitive edge!

New student orientation

Adapting to college can take some adjusting! That’s why the CSEL team is here to support you every step of the way! In addition to the many activities during first-week orientation, we KickSTART the academic year with our pre-orientation summer program which offers workshops, events, guest speakers and information sessions to give you the best possible postsecondary experience. Additional programming and specialized supports throughout the year are also available for students who may require them.

We’re here to help

Whether you are looking for peer mentoring assistance or want to improve your leadership skills and personal growth, NC offers programs designed to help. Student activities, peer-to-peer support services and the Leadership Exploration and Development (LEAD) program will help you build your core skills and help you grow academically and professionally.
