1 minute read


Peter Craven is a member of the NFU Potato Forum from the fl at lands of South Lincolnshire, where his family business focuses on daff odil and potato production. A Nuffi eld Scholar, he is looking at how family farms can go from ‘good’ to ‘great’ and would welcome Horticulture readers’ thoughts. Contact tom.sales@nfu.org.uk to get in touch.


Four-legged friends

I have always loved dogs and I spent more time with Rocky, my fi rst Jack Russell, than I ever did with my wife, Hazel. Since having children, the love has grown and we now have two dogs, two cats, 10 ducks and a giant African spurred tortoise that I hope to ride on one day.

Good friends

Having good friends to share in life’s highs and support in life’s lows is so important. The love, support and balanced opinions of good friends is one of my most treasured things. I am so lucky to have collected so many friends from every part of my life, with all of them bringing so much joy and happiness to me.

One scoop of good chocolate ice cream

This is a guilty pleasure that I love, especially whenever I am out for supper. And, for me, chocolate ice cream must have chocolate pieces in it! My children are now becoming chocolate ice cream connoisseurs in their own right. As a family, we select which restaurants we go to based on the quality of their chocolate ice cream. Our favourite restaurant serves three scoops and we share two bowls between the four of us, although my son and daughter take it in turns as to who shares with me – as although I say “only one scoop for me”, sharing is not always an exact science…