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Sidney, Maine

Sidney Students Celebrate April Poetry Month

This April our students have begun celebrating US National Poetry Month! The even kicked off with students researching poems and then chalking poems on our front drive to welcome visitors.


We continue to study the fish from our project that began last summer. Almost all of the students who want a fish tank in their room, have one and there are plans to get the rest of the tanks up and running. Three of the students went to the pet store with staff and picked out an albino pleco to add to the tank in the science classroom At the store, they were treated to being able to hold a 4-month-old Banana Ball Python

Staff Spotlight:

Our school would like to spotlight our newest addition to the team, Ed Tech III, Courtney Mills Courtney started with us on April 6th. She comes to us with a wealth of experience, having worked at two different Sweetser Programs. She is already BHP certified and is working on her orientation to the agency. We look forward to working with her as she observes the school and learns to incorporate her talents into our curriculum and make the job her own