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UNESCOSummit–EducationMethodology praisedbyNobelPrize

WinnerandutilizedinEdo, Lagos&Kwarashowcased

4th July 2022

As part of the “Our Common” Agenda initiative, the UN SecretaryGeneral is convening a Transforming Education Summit (TES) for September 2022 in New York.

This summit seeks to mobilise political ambition, action, solutions and solidarity to transform education Ahead of the main summit , the Transforming Education Pre‐Summit was organised in Paris last week from 28‐30 June 2022.

It included technical meetings on Thematic Action Tracks and engagements with key stakeholders.

This High‐level segment consisting of Ministerial and Stakeholder engagement had in attendance from Nigeria the Minister of Education Adamu Adamu and the Director for Basic Education, Dr Folake Olatunji Davis

This high level delegation from Nigeria depicts how important the education transformation agenda is for Nigeria against the backdrop of 18 5million out of school children in Nigeria according to UNICEF, a negative growth of 76% from UNICEF’s 2021 estimate of 10 5million

The education situation is even more dire according to UNICEF education specialist Ahmed Sharouda because 70% of the children in school are not learning anything that will add value to them or the society creating a learning crisis in Nigeria.

This statement was made by Sharouda in a presentation at a two‐day media dialogue on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Child Rights, organised by the Federal Ministry of Information and Culture, in collaboration with UNICEF, in Kano, in April 2022

Nigeria is not alone in this situation, as a result of the worst shock to education and learning in recorded history, learning poverty has increased by a third in low‐ and middle‐income countries, with an estimated 70% of 10‐year‐olds unable to understand a simple written text, according to a new report published by the World Bank, UNESCO, UNICEF, UK government Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), USAID, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

This rate was 57% before the pandemic, but now the learning crisis has deepened. This generation of students now risks losing $21 trillion in potential lifetime earnings in present value, or the equivalent of 17% of today’s global GDP, up from the $17 trillion estimated in 2021

This report, The State of Global Learning Poverty: 2022 Update also tasks countries on the need to concentrate their efforts on the most cost‐effective approaches to tackle learning poverty It states that these interventions must be implemented as part of a national learning recovery program that can also serve as a springboard for building more effective, equitable, and resilient education systems.

Dr Benjamin Piper, Director of Global Education, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was quoted as saying “ we have solutions that can work at scale and in government systems.

Committing to substantial learning recovery programs is a start, but the composition of those programs matter: measure learning outcomes, but also invest in improving instruction through structured pedagogy ”

In Nigeria, based on these suggestions, there are bright glimmers of hope for effective scalable education transformation as seen in Lagos State’s EKOEXCEL, Edo State’s EdoBEST and Kwara’s KwaraLEARN, all with technical support from NewGlobe, Nigeria

These are successful education transformation programs already delivering value in Nigeria based on a methodology that was recently studied by 2019 Nobel Prize Winning Professor, Micheal kremer and others, the report stated that:

“This study shows that attending schools delivering highly standardized education has the potential to produce dramatic learning gains at scale, suggesting that policymakers may wish to explore incorporation of standardization, including standardized lesson plans and teacher feedback and monitoring, in their own systems.”

If replicated at scale across public systems, this integrated methodology could put students on the study track to match academic performance levels achieved by peers from upper‐middle‐income countries, pushing their countries up education league tables to match countries with incomes three or four times greater per person

Newglobe an education expert and leader in learning, who support national and state governments by creating powerful technology‐enabled education systems, were also present at the Paris summit represented by Stacey Nwokeyi, Vice President, Special Opportunities to showcase this methodology and the Kremer report to participants.

Omowale David‐Ashiru, Group Managing Director, NewGlobe had this to say about the study by the Nobel Prize Winning Professor kremer:

“Education is a powerful driver of development and one of the strongest instruments for reducing poverty and improving health, gender equality, peace and stability. Tackling learning poverty is an urgent challenge of our generation As we approach the election season in Nigeria, those aspiring for leadership positions should know that innovative education solutions that are proven to be effective at scale will define the prosperity, growth and security of our global future They should make it part of their plans/policies ”

Education scholars estimate education reforms resulting in a 25‐point gain on Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) (0 25 standard deviation) will increase the GDP growth rate by 0 5% annually in middle‐income countries Lagos, Edo and Kwara can expect the same outcome. Hopefully the whole of Nigeria can too,

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