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Rebuilding community with kindness following COVID-19

As we navigate this new normal, the core values of kindness and community, which once bound us, seem to have diminished. This presents an opportunity for business leaders, like us at Canna Provisions, to step up and make a difference.

At Canna Provisions, we’ve long believed in the power of community engagement. Our involvement with local chambers of commerce (of which the Lee Chamber voted us Corporate Citizen of the Year in 2023) and community groups, like the Lions and Rotary and Kiwanis, isn’t just about networking; it’s about fostering a sense of belonging and rebuilding the communal fabric torn by the pandemic. We’re also excited about joining Rotary, amplifying our commitment to community service.

Today’s consumers are increasingly conscious about where they spend their money. They prefer supporting businesses that align with their values. This shift isn’t just a trend; it’s a reflection of a deeper societal change. By aligning our business practices with these evolving consumer preferences, we not only stand out in a competitive market but also foster a stronger connection with our customers.

An authentic narrative is more than a marketing strategy; it’s about sharing our ‘why.’ At Canna Provisions, our story isn’t just about selling cannabis; it’s about creating positive impacts and standing for something greater. This ethos not only attracts customers who share our values but also gives our team a sense of pride and purpose.

Our experience shows that community-based initiatives are incredibly effective. Hosting events like the 65 we organized this year at the Locker Room Sports Pub in Lee isn’t just about publicity. These events allow us to connect with the community genuinely, earning their gratitude and loyalty. It’s a win-win: the community benefits from our initiatives, and our business thrives through this deeper local connection.

Embedding a cause-based philosophy in our business model does more than just attract customers; it builds a strong, values-driven company culture. Our team members are encouraged to engage in community service and support causes they believe in. This approach not only enhances our business’s social footprint but also fosters a more engaged and motivated workforce.

As we emerge from the pandemic, there’s a collective sense of a ‘COVID hangover’ — a lingering absence of the warmth and empathy that characterized our pre-pandemic world. As business leaders, we have the power and responsibility to address this void. Whether it’s through supporting national organizations, volunteering at local charities, or creating our own community events, there are myriad ways to rekindle the spirit of kindness and community.

Giving back to the community isn’t just about altruism; it’s a strategic business decision. Around 75 percent of companies recognize the importance of community engagement. But it’s not enough to just give; involvement needs to be genuine and integrated into the business ethos. This approach not only sets you apart from the competition but also draws people to your business, creating a cycle of goodwill and success.

As business leaders, we’re at a pivotal moment. We can choose to lead with kindness and community engagement, setting an example for others to follow. By doing so, we’re not just rebuilding what was lost during the pandemic; we’re creating a more connected, empathetic, and thriving business environment. Let’s not just aim for recovery; let’s strive for a renaissance of community spirit and mutual support.

Meg Sanders is the CEO and co-founder of Canna Provisions in Lee.