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TIME EFFICIENCY Feeling overwhelmed? Follow these time management tasks for guidance





A time crunch is no stranger to many adults. Busy professionals balancing work and their personal lives often wish there was more time in the day. Though it might be impossible to create more minutes in the day, adults can take steps to be more efficient with their time. The more efficient people can be with their time, the more that time should begin to feel like their own.

Audit yourself

It’s hard to be more efficient with your time if you’re not certain about where you’re being inefficient. Audit how you’re spending time each day, jotting down everything you do during the day and how much time you spend on each individual task. Audits can be made easier by utilizing time tracking apps on a smartphone, some of which are free. The app need not provide a bunch of bells and whistles (such apps are generally designed to help businesses track employees’ production). A simple app that lets you track each activity and the time it takes to perform it is all you need to conduct a successful audit.

Categorize tasks

Tasks can be categorized so those that are absolutely necessary are never given a lower priority than nonessential tasks. In addition, tasks can be categorized according to how much time each one figures to take. Once tasks have been categorized, choose distraction-free times of day to perform high-priority, time-consuming tasks. The ability to focus on such tasks free from distraction should cut down on the time it takes to complete them, potentially freeing up more time in your day.

Don’t hesitate to delegate

When categorizing tasks, create a category for tasks that can be delegated. Parents may want to delegate meal prep to children who are old enough to hold their own in the kitchen, while adult partners can divide up household chores so no one person is doing the bulk of the work around the house.

Turn devices off

Devices are distracting, and various surveys and studies have proven that. Research from RescueTime, an iOS- and Android-supported app created to monitor phone use, found that people spend and average of three hours and 15 minutes per day on their phones. Adults who are pressed for time may benefit by turning their devices off during the work day and/or when trying to tackle tasks at home. In fact, turning a smartphone or other device off when you don’t need it to perform a given task may be the simplest and most effective way to make more efficient use of your time.


Home renovation projects are significant undertakings. Working with skilled and experienced contractors can ensure projects go smoothly and are completed promptly. Timing is a big consideration for homeowners as they begin renovating their homes, and the home improvement experts at HomeAdvisor note that the following are some general timelines for popular renovation projects.


Short of a full-scale demolition and rebuild, home additions are the most time-consuming projects homeowners can undertake. HomeAdvisor notes that its survey of customers who recently completed home addition projects reported that the average time from start to finish was between three and four months. Certain variables, including the scale of the project and the local permits process, can extend the completion time.


Scale is a big factor to consider when estimating the time it takes to complete various home improvement projects, and kitchen remodels are no exception. Some HomeAdvisor users reported projects taking as long as four months, though the average time reported was roughly six weeks. Projects that require major overhauls like rearranging the plumbing and moving walls will likely take longer than cosmetic projects.


More than 1,000 homeowners surveyed by HomeAdvisor reported that bathroom remodels took about 4.5 weeks from start to finish. Smallscale remodels that focus on painting the walls a fresh color and replacing existing tiles can be completed in less than two weeks. But like with kitchen remodels, bathroom remodels that involve replacing plumbing fixtures and removing walls figure to take much longer than that.


Homeowners who want to replace all the windows in their home can expect such a project to take roughly three weeks. HomeAdvisor notes that such a timeline need not concern homeowners worried that they will be forced to brave the elements during the length of the project. Much of a contractors’ time during a window replacement project will be spent on upfront measuring and then ensuring a tight fit once installed.


HomeAdvisor users report that new siding projects take roughly two weeks from start to finish. That estimate is the same regardless of which materials homeowners are replacing and installing.