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BE MINDFUL You can gain the benefits of meditation right here in Newburgh





Meditation has long been part of Eastern practices and recommended by alternative health practitioners. With the widespread adoption of yoga, breathing exercises and general mindfulness, meditation has become much more mainstream and something many traditional physicians now recommend to their patients.

According to the yoga equipment supply company Gaiam, meditation is an approach to training the mind that is similar to the way athletes train their bodies. Many meditation techniques exist, and the term meditation refers to an overall discipline rather than one specific activity. People who have been meditating for some time may be able to rest their brains for extended periods of time. Some may need to work up to it. Others practice focus-specific meditation, which makes them focus on a sensation or a particular object to tune out other distractions. Another option is open-monitoring meditation, which involves paying attention to all of one’s surroundings. Instead of reacting, you just notice things as they are.

The brand-building company Buffer says that meditation produces measurable changes in the brain. Modern technology like MRI scans show a decrease in beta waves during meditation. Those waves normally indicate that the brain is processing information. Meditation helps to slow or stop that processing.

Meditation has been long studied as a way to induce relaxation and help alleviate stress. In the 1970s, Herbert Benson, MD, a researcher at Harvard University Medical School, coined the term “relaxation response.” In Benson’s words, this is “an opposite, involuntary response that causes a reduction in the activity of the sympathetic nervous system.” Meditation helps achieve that.

Local studio, Sift Yoga, has one mission, to offer an inviting atmosphere for all levels of yoga experience can feel welcome and understood, and able to create a meaningful yoga practice.

“We know everyone is a beginner at some point, and we want you to find out how yoga can help you SIFT through your aches and pains, stresses and anxiety, and encourage a calm mind,” says owner of Sift Yoga, Carrie Rice.

Sift Yoga, located in Newburgh, has been offering classes since January 2018. The verb Sift, defined as “to examine (something) thoroughly so as to isolate that which is most important or useful” is exactly the goal of each class offered at owner Carrie Rice’s Yoga Studio. She named the studio “Sift” because that is what yoga has taught her to do. Sift through the stresses of life, the aches and pains, the ups and downs, one breath at a time.

“Those who practice yoga often note improvements in balance, focus, flexibilty, and strength. As well as a reduction of stress, inflamation, and anxiety. People come to try yoga for a variety of reasons, from all walks of life - that is what is so great about Yoga. It is open to all! And no, you don’t have to be able to touch your toes,” Carrie notes.

Suft offers a variety of classes at Friedman Park, online streaming via ZOOM, and are gradually opening things up in-studio. Before COVID-19, they had moved to a new larger location on Bell Oaks Dr. and began to expand programing.

“As we navigate these new and evolving circumstances, we are adapting and working hard to continue to bring Yoga to our community. Choosing to practice at home with our online classes, out in the fresh air together at Friedman Park, or back in the studio - we are making decisions thoughtfully, keeping up with details as the situation changes and we hope to share yoga with you in whatever venue feels right for you!”

Throughout the year Sift also hosts various Health and Wellness related workshops for that are open to the community.

Meditation is a skill someone learns with practice. It’s never too early or too late to learn how to meditate. Contact Sift Yoga to get on the road to wellness through meditation.

meditation benefits

Meditation may produce many different health results. Some health results are immediate, and others are cumulative. Here are some changes a person may see:

• better focus while not meditating

• reduced anxiety

• lower blood pressure

• lower blood cortisol levels

• greater feelings of well-being

• reduced feelings of stress

• ability to cope better with challenging situations

• potential benefits on immune system function

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