2 minute read

How Does Your Energy Flow?

By Joanne's Spirit

When some people think of energy automatically, they think physical. Although it can be a physical thing, its often overlooked. Physicists and lightworkers have more of an understanding of energy than the average person.


You see Qi is life force energy and it’s in every living thing in our environment. It takes energy to be!

A river creates energy as it flows and enters oceans, trees are the best energy source to refresh us when we feel depleted. Every one of us rely on the various sources of energy to live.

To do lightwork such as mediumship, psychic work, healing and more we utilise the energy around us, I personally draw energy and receive messages from the general environment, crystals, flora, and fauna. Mediums and channelers interconnect with other realms energetically, healers and psychics channel universal energy through and either pass it through to our clients or receive the messages within the frequency to pass on. I often combine all as I am fortunate enough to have a lot of spiritual ancestral lineage.

For a lightworker being able to continue to work with various types and volumes of energy, self-care is of much importance.

Personally, I am very nature driven. I exchange energy through gardening, mentally communicating with large bodies of water, trees, and the Earth. Working on this article barefoot, in the sun having just watered and nurtured my beloved plants. The gentle breeze also carries Qi energy. To enhance my energy exchanges today I have done Qi Gong and Tai Chi in a group environment.

Other people’s energy can be picked up on, we all have a little empath in us. If you have a negative person dominating the space, you may feel negativity or a tense feeling, if someone loving and positive is dominating the environment, that will pass on joyful feelings. We are what we eat (wholesome food comes from natural energy sources) and we are what we surround ourselves with.

When you see a lightworker it’s their energy that will either entice you or it won’t. The wrong energy around us is detected by our soul/ instinct. A lightworker might refer you to another if your energy disagrees with them, that does not make you a negative person that could mean you vibrate energies on a different frequency. The incorrect energy frequency is like an out of tune radio, you will not get the messages clearly, so always trust in your vibe when you seek out someone to read your energy or initiate self-healing.

Try placing your hands in front of you like you are holding a ball, slowly bring the palms together and apart – can you feel the subtle resistance, that’s energy!
