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15 Auction Lot

15 Auction Lot

I welcome you to ShuttleCork 2023!

We have so much to celebrate tonight! I don’t believe being together beneath the big tent is something we will ever again take for granted. There is magic in the opportunity to connect in a meaningful way, and how better to celebrate than to clink our glasses together in a toast?

Thank you for being here and for supporting what has, over the past decade, become the biggest annual fundraiser for the Nelson-Atkins. ShuttleCork is crucial to the support of our mission of keeping our doors open to everyone for free. Thanks to your generosity, we are also able to welcome hundreds of schoolchildren to the museum, in what we hope will be the beginning of their lifelong relationship with the arts.

My deepest gratitude goes to Mary Bloch, who has been our co-chair and leader from ShuttleCork’s inception 10 years ago, and her co-chair, Mark O’Connell, who is also a member of the museum’s Board of Trustees. They and their devoted committee have spent many hours planning this incredible fundraiser and we celebrate their hard work tonight.

The original idea of ShuttleCork was to combine appreciation of fine wine with fundraising and great art with a philanthropic goal. In just 10 years, it has exploded into the museum’s premier fundraiser and has, to date, raised more than $10 million for the Nelson-Atkins. It has grown to become one of the top fundraisers in the Kansas City area, which brings us enormous pride and gratitude. I am deeply moved by your continued generosity in supporting the museum with this fabulous and fun multi-day event.

A joyful evening awaits. Savor fine wine, mingle with friends old and new, and raise your paddles high and often as we bid on unique auction items that will keep the doors to this vibrant museum open. I toast each and every one of you tonight!


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