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Its no secret that NE Loves Sohe, we have been there on many a birthday, Christmas Eve and of course on other occasions just because, well we can.

So we were pretty excited when we found out that they had extended the lunch menu so that you can take advantage of the early bird menu until much later. Tapas (little bites of everything) or the Two course which is two appetizers, two lunch mains and glass of wine or half a Tiger beer! To good to be true? Considering the quality of food that we are used to being served up by this lot you would have thought so, but guess what? It was THAT good.

It seems like no time at all since the Sohe crew were saying “To us dining isn’t just about a plate of incredible food; the overall restaurant experience has become more and more important in recent years,. “It’s not just the food that must reflect our vision and our ‘vibe’, but everything that surrounds our diners too. From the bar to the chairs and the walls to the lighting, everything at Sohe has been specially created. This provides our diners with a sense inspiring experience in sight, taste and touch.” They’re not wrong.

My lunch date for the day Beverly had never had the Sohe experience before so I knew she was in for a treat, for my part I had already decided that I was going to go for the Tapas, aka “Iza-Kaya Appetizers. this decision is mainly based on the fact that I suffer terribly from food envy, and want whatever everyone else is having. So my first choice is the crispy rice balls, great for the vegies amongst us too, mushroom, sesame seeds, and spring onion, rolled together and fried until golden brown, wow! Next my favorite, salt and pepper squid in the lightest batter imaginable, and served with Togarashi mayo, not in then slightest bit chewy & cooked to perfection. Last but not least I choose chicken yakitori skewers, delightfully juicy chicken, carrot, mouli slaw with wasabi & yuzi dressing. In a word divine.

Beverley who also suffers the dreaded food envy also went for the rice balls which she followed by spiced sirloin stir-fry, with peppers, spinach, bean sprouts, Sichuan pepper and egg noodles. The food was wonderful as ever as of course were the staff.

This extended late lunch menu is now served right up until 7pm Sunday to Thursday, its an absolutely perfect way to start an evening out, so whether you go for the Asian tapas at three for £10, or the 2 appetizers and two main courses for £20 (there is a £2 supplement for the sirloin) you will start your evening in style.

You would be hard pushed to find food this good in such elegant surroundings that is this good value for money anywhere.

SOHE rhymes with Envy, food envy that is. l

TEL: 0191 281 8161



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