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Festivities on the cards

You must have been very good this year as this festive season as you are being given the gift of Love with a capital L! New positive beginnings are linked around matters of the heart so expect butterflies as this is pure true love that is being offered to you, you will struggle to keep the smile from your face. You really have been through the mill this year, carrying everyone else’s burdens and it has taken its toll on you physically, mentally AND emotionally. It’s coming to an end now and this month should allow you to shed the responsibilities and baggage that others have piled upon you this year.

Not much fun enjoying the festivities this month Scorpio, its time for you to be practical and stay focused on matters in hand and you really need to watch your spending, don’t buy lavish gifts for loved ones this year. This isn’t a bad thing, as you will reap rewards for this in the future.

Expect, chaos, confusion and drama, but before you run off screaming, let me assure you that this is actually a blessing in disguise; the universe never takes anything away from us without giving back, so this upheaval will actually be very beneficial.

Its like you have the Midas touch this month, everything you have been working on is about to pay dividends! Santa brings success in all areas and a real traditional Christmas is to be expected. Relax, sit back on your throne and enjoy the high life this month, you are the king of the castle!

Contentment, nurture and emotional security are in abundance for you during the festive period. Being around those you love and spoiling them and this is exactly what is in store this Christmas. Love and hugs are all on your menu and a truly wonderful time for you to be surrounded by those you care for.

A bit of a sombre time ahead, a time of looking back at what once was, there will be a tinge of sadness linked to this, as there always is when letting something or someone go, but you will know that you have done the best thing for all involved. This New Year will bring a new start and much needed clarity.

a very emotional Christmas for you this year, but in a good way. This month you will be taking stock of what has gone on in the past year and you will be feeling very blessed and balanced. You have love, loyalty and are surrounded by those you love. Make peace with your past and look to the future with hope and optimism.

Remember that every ending IS a new beginning! Yes, there will be a sadness but its the end of a cycle, that period of your life is over and Santa brings better. A deep, more satisfying year is ahead of you, just try and accept this transition as a gift. Its time to shed the old and bring in the new!

You are tying yourself in knots and filling yourself with anxiety and confusion, things ARE NOT as bad as they seem, you are over thinking stuff and hanging on to so much fear, frustration, its exhausting so give yourself a break and stop blaming yourself, relax, cut yourself some slack, get out and celebrate.

You love this time of year and you like to show enthusiasm, but try and reel yourself in a little bit over this month, charging in and taking over is only going to get peoples heckles up rather than getting them to join in your excitement. Its like you are living in a Hallmark Christmas card this month. Harmony, happiness and family, the perfect textbook festive season is on the cards (literally). Celebrations perhaps even an engagement look set to fill your month l


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Cinders You Shall Go To The Ball


Fear not, you may even have that special dress or suit, and perfect shoes, NOW give your face a gift and call on your very own fairy godmother: try FACE, Rachael, will visit you at home and will wipe away the last year, or five, using nonsurgical treatments. Anti wrinkle injections, dermal fillers and professional skin resurfacing treatments. Call Face for a free consultation, ssshhhhhhhh we wont tell if you don’t!!

NE Love decided that if HydraFacial is good enough for a baroness its good enough for us, lucky me, I got to try it at a Newcastle Hair & Beauty Clinic. The HydraFacial, promises clearer, more hydrated, younger-looking skin immediately. Really? Last time I went for a microdermabrasion treatment I was advised against it, the therapist thought it was to intrusive for my slightly sensitive skin. HydraFacial however prides itself on being just as aggressive—without the aggression. I had to see if it lived up to the hype.

I’m told that the treatment targets hyperpigmentation, oily/congested pores, fine lines, and wrinkles. Combining cleansing, exfoliation, extraction and antioxidant protection, for fewer wrinkles or spots and no downtime. Four steps to fab skin, sounds to good to be true? Lets do this!

As soon as I arrived I was introduced to my therapist and taken upstairs to the treatment rooms to fill in my medical questionnaire, soon after discussing my concerns about redness and dark spots Keighley decided to add a red LED light to my treatment to target inflammation, and then I settled in as she turned on the machine. By now I’m so relaxed I’m actually looking forward to it.

Firstly Kayleigh uses a small “deplaning” tool that opens up pores and sweeps the uppermost layer of makeup debris and dead skin cells away.

Next the peel, glycolic peels often leave your skin stinging for a few minutes until they’re washed off, but not this one. The glycolic/salicylic acid peel is gentle and luckily for me it only created the faintest tingle. Step three, the strange part, the technician uses something called a vortex-extraction nozzle that acts as a vacuum. I can honestly say I have never come across anything quite like this. The sucking sound, while strange, makes this oddly soothing. This is then followed by the serum application, using the vortex-fusion tool, infusing an antioxidant-andcollagen-rich serum into the skin to promote elasticity and hydration. Its true I had immediate results, my skin was clean and glowing: and NOT red at all I didn’t even mind the makeupless walk back to the office. It’s been a week since my treatment and I’m noticing the benefits now every time I put my makeup on.

Honest opinion? My skin looks brighter and feels smoother, I even have a bit of a glow when I get up in the mornings. Bottom line: HydraFacial is the best no-side-effects-whatsoever treatment I’ve tried, but don’t take my word for it! Treat yourself l

TEL: 0191 232 0411



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