1 minute read

The Lawyer

Temperance England

There was a man who seemed never to leave his desk. His eyes had bags just asking for rest. His hair is kept nice and neat, Staring into space, he thinks of the next case he will defeat. Others say, “Every lawyer is selfish, they just want personal gain!” But he just sits and listens, knowing he's got no shame. He makes more money than those who would wish him ill, And at the time they’ll need him, he’ll just send them the bill. When anyone challenges him, he never stops or shakes. Right or wrong, he will never stop a debate. He’ll stand in the courtroom in his clean suit upright, Just waiting for the right time to strike. No matter if he wins or loses we know what will follow, We’ll see him drinking at a bar either he will rejoice or wallow. After he sits looking like a mess opposite from when he begun, His hair all ruffled and his suit buttons undone. In court, he was an upright strong spoken man, But after his victory, his own wife and children speak louder than he can. He has children, none of which he knows well. He’s too busy with his cases, everyone can tell. He has other interests too but can never leave his office He would love to have hobbies, but the thought of not working makes him nauseous. He wishes to frolic and play with his kin, but truly his work is more important to him. He checks his watch, the day is done. He sits and wishes that he could have had fun.