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With NCAP membership you will be able to guarantee access to:

Legislative and regulatory representation

Professional development opportunities

Practice tools and resources

Virtual and in-person networking opportunities

Practice academies, forums, networks, and committees

Member pricing for conferences and events

Weekly pharmacy newsletters

Monthly pharmacy journals

Who Is Involved

An incredible pharmacy-centered team including our executive director, Penny Shelton, a 6-member staff, a 14-member board of directors, and numerous volunteers who lead our academies, forums networks, and committees.

Who We Serve

Passionate pharmacists that practice in all areas of pharmacy pursuing the best health of the patients in North Carolina and have joined their voices as members of NCAP.

Educational programming, and continuing education credits on demand and in person Leadership, financing, and collaboration with our lobbyist to get our most pertinent legislation passed Annual conferences for student pharmacist as well as practicing pharmacist for professional development

NCAPexiststounite,serve,and advancetheprofessionofpharmacy forthebenefitofsociety