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Fishing Back When

Fishing Back When November

By Jessica Hathaway

1991— Salmon prices tank as Alaska production soars along with the success with farming in Norway and Scotland. In Bristol Bay, base prices plummet to 45 cents a pound for sockeyes from $1.05 in 1990. And Prince William Sound seiners are on limits for pinks to the canneries.

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The 82-foot shing schooner

Lister of Sherburne, Nova Scotia, looks right at home on Carters Creek in Weems, Va., where it’s relocated for an overhaul at Humphrey’s Railway. Maine’s Bailey Island hosts the rst landing of a sword sh at Mackerel Cove in some 30 years with a 397-pounder harpooned by Levi Gilliam with Dane Allen at the wheel.

Salmon tenders and gillnetters at the mouth of the Naknek River awaiting the return of salmon to Bristol Bay. Also catch a preview of the fth annual Fish Expo to be hosted in the historic port of Boston!

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On the cover: Bristol Bay gillnetters ride a wild wave of salmon in Alaska’s rodeo shery. Hurricane Bob sank the Nomad, a 47-foot trawler, off the coast of Massachusetts on Aug. 19, taking with it the life of her captain, Brett Baker, 35. Robert Cutting, 24, was lifted from the water the next day and survived. Both were from Kittery, Maine. Southern shrimpers work to develop usable n sh excluder devices and other gear (in addition to turtle excluders), as well as to collect data on the extent of bycatch in their sheries, before the 1994 regulation comes into play.

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On the cover: A replica of the Viking ship Valhalla and the Bojer Wikan Fishermen’s Memorial in Petersburg, Alaska, stand in tribute to the town’s commercial shing and Norwegian heritage. NF honors Allen D. “Mike” Brown, a.k.a. Cap’n Perc Sane, author of nearly 50 years of stories from Saturday Cove, Maine, after his passing at age 81 and a celebration of life in Belfast, Maine.

The Bering Sea pollock eet gets some relief with a rollback of American Fisheries Act and North Paci c council limitedentry regulations for rebuilding and replacing vessels in the sector.