29 minute read



With hints of warmer weather comes increased seed displays at stores, but the rule of thumb in Colorado is to wait until after Mother’s Day to start your outdoor gardening. However, starting early extends the growing season, which is important in the high country. Planting seeds indoors can help.

Starting plants from seed is akin to bringing a new puppy home — both require faithful attention. When purchasing seeds, look closely at the expiration date on packets and avoid older seeds. Newer seeds have a better germination rate and will give you a bigger bang for your buck. Buy seeds from a reputable seed company or garden store. Some popular choices include tomatoes, peppers and winter squash. Root vegetables are better sown directly in the soil outdoors. To succeed with seeds, consider the following: 1. Check a planting calendar, such as Old Farmer’s Almanac, to determine your last spring frost date and start seeds six to eight weeks earlier. 2. Use recycled plastic containers to save money — poke drainage holes in the bottoms.

3. Fill containers with seed starting mix. It drains better than soil and minimizes disease risk. 4. Place containers on a tray. Rubber boot trays and old cookie sheets work well or buy plastic flats from your garden store. 5. Plant seeds to proper depth written on seed packet. (Rule of thumb is 2-3 times the seed width.) 6. Keep soil moist but not saturated. Spray with fine mist when the soil is dry to touch or pulls away from the container’s edge. Do not let water sit on the tray as seedling roots may rot. Try placing plastic above the soil to generate moisture, but remove the plastic after plants get established. 7. Place tray in a warm location with indirect light. 8. Check daily. You will be surprised to see germination within a few days. The first set of leaves are not really leaves. Wait for the second set, called true leaves, to appear. Then thin plants to avoid crowding, but don’t pull them out as you may disturb the root system of the plants you wish to keep. Instead, snip stems at the soil line. Start fertilizing every other week with liquid fertilizer diluted to half the strength typically used on plants.

Place in a sunny location or under a grow light. Rotate to encourage straight growth and move away from direct light if plants become spindly. If plants outgrow their containers, transplant to a larger pot. Scoop out plants from the roots with a spoon and drop into a hole made in moist potting mixture. After the last frost, begin hardening off plants by placing outside for two hours and gradually increasing to all day before planting in the ground. By starting early, your garden will be weeks ahead of your neighbors’.

Gardener Vicki Spencer has an eclectic background in conservation, water, natural resources and more.

ADVERTISEMENT You don’t have to suffer anymore. Doctors never tell you about these 7 natural herbs, yet millions of people in China have used them for relief of leg and feet problems for 3,000 years. In fact, they are guaranteed to relieve your problems and provide soothing comfort - or you pay nothing. Texas Grandmother with Leg and Feet Problems Goes from Near Cripple to Walking Her Dog Daily

By Michael Plane — National Health Press

Mary Lentz of Plano, Texas suffered for over twenty years from leg and feet problems. Doctors prescribed one prescription drug after another. Then electrical stimulation. Then surgery. But after all these treatments – her legs and feet actually felt worse. Mary was fed up with suffering. She took matters into her own hands. At wit’s end, she discovered the best herbs for natural relief. She took them, and within just days, her leg and feet problems began to disappear. Now she walks her Golden Retriever Max every day (which she couldn’t do before), works in her garden and regularly plays tennis with friends. “If I kept listening to my doctors, I’d be a cripple today. I’d be in a wheelchair or in a nursing home. I am so thankful for these remarkable herbs.” Leg and feet problems could have been almost like a death sentence for Mary – and a shame for her suffering family. It is a terrible way to live out what should be the best year of your life. ‡—”‘’ƒ–Š› ‹• Ž‹‡ ƒ ™‹Ž†ϐ‹”‡Ǥ  – •–ƒ”–• ™‹–Šƒ•ƒŽŽϐŽƒ‡ǡ„—––Š‡“—‹…Ž›–—”• ‹–‘ ƒ ”ƒ‰‹‰ ϐ‹”‡ ‹ ›‘—” ˆ‡‡– –Šƒ– ‡˜‡” stops. Left alone or treated in a way that doesn’t work, it can lead to constant suffering – or even one of the 86,000 Americans who need a limb amputated each year according to the National Institutes of Health.

“I had so much pain from burning nerves in my feet …‘—Ž†„ƒ”‡Ž›‘˜‡ǥ„—––Š‹•ƒ‡•‹–…ƒŽ†‘™ •‘ …ƒ™ƒŽƒ†•Ž‡‡’Ǥ ”‡ƒŽŽ›Ž‘˜‡–Š‹••–—ˆˆǤ–Š‡” ’‹ŽŽ•†‹†ǯ–™‘”Ǥ –•–‘’•–Š‡‡”˜‡•ˆ”‘Š—”–‹‰•‘ bad. It is amazing. NeuroFlo lets me move and sleep ’ƒ‹Ǧˆ”‡‡Ǥ –‹•™‘†‡”ˆ—ŽǤdz - Katerina King-Mccausland, Murrieta, CA

At Last – You Don’t Have To Suffer Anymore Here’s why you have these problems: Your arteries have weakened. Your arteries can’t carry enough blood, nutrients and oxygen down to your legs and feet. This damages your nerves and causes your burning, tingling and numbness. The 7 herbs in the pill NeuroFlo strengthen your arteries that carry blood, nutrients and oxygen to your feet and legs. It improves your circulation so oxygenated blood goes to the nerves and repairs them. This makes your nerves grow stronger so your pain fades away and your legs and feet feel much younger again. Until now, scientists could not combine all these herbs into one pill without losing –Š‡‹”ˆ—ŽŽ’‘–‡…›ǡ„—–ϐ‹ƒŽŽ›ǡ–Š‡›Šƒ˜‡•—…- ceeded. Dr. Ryan Shelton, M.D. says “This is new and different. It works for people who’ve tried many other things before. It is natural with no side effects. Don’t give up hope for your leg and feet pain, burning, tingling and numbing. This pill is working for countless people after other treatments have failed them.” From word-of-mouth, over 30,000 doses of this Chinese miracle have already been sold in America. Instead of letting their doctors control their health with no real relief, people are taking this natural approach. They are staying active and independent as they age – and creating a bright future they are excited about, instead of fearing. Now you too can enjoy your best years yet. Conventional Treatments All Wrong In America, drugs and other OTC formu- Žƒ•–”›–‘•—’‡”ϐ‹…‹ƒŽŽ›•—’’”‡••–Š‡•›’- toms. This may be going after the problem completely wrong. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) believes nerve problems are largely caused by stagnant blood circulation. This causes your legs and feet NOT to get enough oxygen-rich, nutrient-rich blood they need to heal. The ingredients in ‡—”‘ Ž‘‰‡––Š‹•…”—…‹ƒŽ„Ž‘‘† ϐŽ‘™‹‰–‘ your legs and feet like a fast-running river stream so they can feel better fast. Want proof? To show how important ox- ›‰‡ƒ–‡† „Ž‘‘† ϐŽ‘™‹•ǡ Š‘Ž† ›‘—” „”‡ƒ–ŠǤ Hold it too long and you’ll pass out. This is what’s happening to your feet and legs now -- they are not getting the oxygenated

Chinese herbs provide fast relief of leg and feet tingling, burning and numbness. They do this by improving the ϔŽ‘™‘ˆ„Ž‘‘†ǡ—–”‹‡–•ƒ†‘š›‰‡–‘›‘—”Ž‡‰•ƒ†ˆ‡‡– to repair damaged nerves. „Ž‘‘†ϐŽ‘™–Š‡›‡‡†–‘ˆ‡‡ŽŠ‡ƒŽ–Š›Ǥ Now you can get a good night’s sleep - peaceful, restful sleep – with no pain, tingling, zinging, itching or zapping. Improve your balance and coordination. No side effects – safe to take with other medications. Enjoy your favorite activities and hobbies again. Be more active, have more fun, enjoy life more. Don’t risk irreversible damage to your feet and hands. Don’t get worse and wind up in the hospital or a nursing home. ‡—”‘ϐŽ‘‹•  –‘™‘”‰”‡ƒ– for you – or you PAY NOTHING with a 90- day unconditional money-back guarantee. It is NOT sold in stores or online. No pre- •…”‹’–‹‘‘”†‘…–‘”˜‹•‹–‹•”‡“—‹”‡†Ǥ Special Offer For Our Readers Š‹• ‹• –Š‡ ‘ˆϐ‹…‹ƒŽ ƒ–‹‘™‹†‡ ”‡Ž‡ƒ•‡ ‘ˆ NeuroFlo in the United States. And so, the company is offering a special discount supply. A Regional Order Hotline has been set up for local readers to call. This gives everyone ƒ ‡“—ƒŽ …Šƒ…‡ –‘ –”› ‡—”‘ Ž‘Ǥ –ƒ”–‹‰ at 7:00am today, the order hotline will be open. All you have to do is call TOLL-FREE 1-888-375-7983 and provide the operator with the special discount approval code: NEF158. The company will do the rest. Important: Due to NeuroFlo’s recent media exposure phone lines are often busy. If you call, and do not immediately get through, please be patient and call back.

Proven Fast Natural Relief For: ☑ Blood Sugar Problems ☑ Varicose Veins ☑ Swollen Legs ☑ Spider Veins ☑ Aches & Weakness ☑ Many other leg & feet problems

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Warmer weather is approaching, which should remind you to have your HVAC system or swamp cooler serviced. A wellmaintained cooling system won’t let you down when the temperature rises and will lower your energy consumption and electric bill. WISE SAVERS

Trottin’ for Turkeys Hunting toms is outrageously entertaining and difficult


I’d never hunted turkeys until my kids talked me into going with them a few years back and, I promise you, it’s every bit as fascinating — and frustrating — as the outdoor magazines report it to be. I wished I’d done it sooner.

I didn’t have a license but tagged along with a camera and had as much fun as they did, maybe more. I got at least a few shots, but they didn’t — no doubt because they were hunting with recurve bows. Hunting turkeys with a shotgun is challenging enough; tagging one of these wary birds with a bow and arrow is ridiculously difficult at best. No matter; we’ll be going back again and again. It’s that much fun.

Turkeys’ notoriously spooky dispositions, exceptional eyesight and extremely keen hearing make wild turkeys virtually impossible to sneak up on, but love-struck gobblers are suckers for the courting yelps of a romantic hen during the spring mating season. That’s the operating theory anyway. Sometimes they are, and sometimes they aren’t. That’s the frustrating part.

Basic technique requires hunters to locate roosting birds the evening before the hunt, return before first light the next day, slip within a hundred yards or so of the roost, then try to lure a big, mature gobbler within range by imitating the call of a romantic hen. Hunters may use one or more of commercially manufactured or homemade calls.

When it works, you can hear the competing toms come gobbling toward you through the woods. Adrenalin races through your veins, your heart pounds so loud in your ears you’ll swear the turkeys can hear it and you’ll hold your breath until you nearly pass out. You give it all you can do to keep your bow hand from shaking the arrow off the string. All that remains is to wait for one of the toms to go into full strut and turn his back to you long enough for you to draw your bow, take aim and release the arrow — all the while making certain, of course, that one of the others isn’t looking right at you ready to blow your cover at the first false move. It’s not easy.

Thank goodness there are plenty of turkeys to practice on. According to the National Wild Turkey Federation and state wildlife agencies, there are more than 7 million wild turkeys strutting around the forests and river bottoms of America. Hunting them with camera, gun or bow and arrow is an utterly fascinating experience.

Dennis Smith is a freelance outdoors writer and photographer whose work appears nationally. He lives in Loveland.


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Encourage young sportsmen by providing safe, private access. You make the rules. 303-460-0273 Stop feeding prairie dogs. We’ll rent hunting rights from you. Seriously looking for duck & goose habitat.

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March 14

St. Baldrick’s Foundation Head-Shaving Event 4-7 pm at Estes Park Mountain Shop, Estes Park Help support children who are trying to triumph over cancer, simply by shaving your head or cheering on others who are shaving theirs. It’s well-known that cancer treatment often causes patients to lose their hair and this event helps raise funds for the smallest cancer warriors: children. In addition to head shaving, you will enjoy food, drinks and fun. For more information about this event and additional St. Baldrick’s events in Colorado, visit stbaldricks.org.

March 2020

March 5-8 Denver “Chicago” Theater Performance Eugenia Rawls Courtyard Theatre 303-556-2296 • mscd.edu/theatre/ productionsauditions

March 6 Carbondale First Friday Carbondale Creative District 5-9 pm • carbondale.com

March 6-8 Monte Vista Monte Vista Crane Festival Various Monte Vista Locations mvcranefest.org

March 7 Grand Junction TEDx Grand Junction Conference The Avalon Theatre 9 am-5 pm • avalontheatregj.com

March 7-8 South Fork Woof Creek Sled Dog & Skijor Races Rio Grande Club & Resort 9 am-2 pm riograndeclubandresort.com

March 11 Denver Post-Suffrage Politics with Liette Gidlow • History Colorado Center 7-8 pm • historycolorado.org

March 11 Greeley Young Adult Job Fair Registration Deadline March 6 Island Grove Event Center 5-7:30 pm • 970-400-6794

March 12-15 Aspen Après Ski Cocktail Classic Various Aspen Locations apresskicocktailclassic.com

March 13-14 Keystone Rocky Mountain Country Fest Warren Station Center for the Arts 970-423-8997 • warrenstation.com

March 13 Longmont Second Fridays Downtown Longmont Creative District • 6-9 pm downtownlongmont.com

March 14-15 Fort Collins “Annelies” Choral Performance CSU Lory Student Center Theatre 970-416-9348 • larimerchorale.org

March 14 Fort Collins Fort Collins Ducks Unlimited Annual Spring Banquet Hilton Fort Collins 970-889-3287 ducks.org March 14 Greeley Rich Little Comedy Show Union Colony Civic Center 7:30-10 pm • ucstars.com

March 15 Denver Irish Denver by Bus Reservations Required History Colorado Center 12-5 pm • 303-866-2394

March 15 Pueblo “George Orwell’s 1984” Theater Performance Sangre de Cristo Arts’ Center Stage 4 pm • 719-295-7200

March 15 Steamboat Springs Super Ski Free Sunday and Closing Day Howelsen Hill Ski Area 970-879-8499 steamboatsprings.net

March 16 Denver A New Gardener Boot Camp Evening Series Denver Botanic Gardens 6-9 pm • botanicgardens.org

March 18 Colorado Springs “Birds and Renewable Energy” Aiken Audubon Program Bear Creek Nature Center 6:30 pm • 719-520-6388

March 19-21 Cortez Four States Ag Expo Montezuma County Fairgrounds fourstatesagexpo.com

March 20-22 La Junta Farm Days Doc Jones & Company 719-469-3030 • visitlajunta.net

March 21 and 28 Fountain Wilderness and Remote First Aid Class Fountain Creek Nature Center 8 am-5: 30 pm • 719-520-6977 March 21 Grand Junction Alternative Health Expo Two Rivers Convention Center 10 am-5 pm tworiversconvention.com

March 25 Durango PIVOT: Skateboard Deck Art FLC Center of Southwest Studies 5-7 pm • swcenter.fortlewis.edu

March 27-29 Colorado Springs Colorado Comic Convention Colorado Springs Convention Center mightyconshows.com

March 27-28 Durango Friends of the Library Book Sale Durango Public Library 9 am-5 pm • 970-375-3380

March 28 Bayfield Prime Rib Dinner and Auction Bayfield Lions Club 5 pm • 970-259-1595

March 28 Rangely Children’s Health and Education Fair Early Education Building 8:30 am-3:30 pm • 970-675-2064

March 28 Windsor “Poudre Pour” Celebration of the Cache La Poudre River Boardwalk Park Museum 2-6 pm • poudreheritage.org

April 2020

April 4 Longmont Amateur Radio Hamfest, Swap & Show Boulder County Fairgrounds 8 am-2 pm • w0eno.org/LarcFest

April 4-5 Salida Chaffee County Home & Garden Show Chaffee County Fairgrounds chaffeehomeandgarden.com

SEND CALENDAR ITEMS 3 MONTHS IN ADVANCE Calendar, Colorado Country Life, 5400 Washington St., Denver, CO 80216; fax to 303-455-2807; or email calendar@coloradocountrylife.org. Please send name of event, date, time, venue, brief description, phone number, a photo, if you have one, and email and/or website for more information.

Dave Kaufman poses with CCL during a colorful visit to Gisborne, New Zealand. He cruised there from Tahiti. Dave is a consumer-member of Poudre Valley REA.

Gary and Jeni Koch visit Jerusalem, Israel, with Colorado Country Life. The Koch’s are consumermembers of Highline Electric Association. Girls weekend at Grandma’s house! Highline Electric Association consumer-member Ramona Phipps shared this photo of her granddaughters with Colorado Country Life.

La Plata Electric consumer-members Lori and Todd Harris take CCL to Churchill, Manitoba, Canada, to watch polar bears.

WINNER: Brendan, David and Bianca visit Chichén Itzá in Mexico with Colorado Country Life. Dad, Joseph, is behind the camera. They are consumer-members of Mountain View Electric Association.

It’s easy to win with Colorado Country Life. Simply take a photo of someone (or a selfie!) with the magazine and email the photo, your name and address to info@ coloradocountrylife.org. We’ll draw one photo to win $25 each month. The next deadline is Monday, March 16. Name, address and co-op must accompany photo. See all of the submitted photos on Facebook at facebook.com/COCountryLife.

Right after graduating from high school, my daughter had a summer job at the company where I worked. In the mornings when we were riding together we would pass a little farm where three donkeys were grazing next to the road, so we would wave and say hello to them.

After she moved to Ithaca to attend Cornell University, she was terribly homesick. We would call and email each other almost daily. One day I received this message and photo from her: “I saw three donkeys and I thought of you!” I didn’t know if I should laugh or cry. Marika Ujvari, Windsor

On a hike with our 3-year-old in Winter Park, he started to get a little bit whiny. He pointed to one of his legs and said, “Mommy, this leg has walked for a long time.” I replied, “Oh, it has? What about the other leg?” He then pointed to his other leg and said, “No, this leg hasn’t.” Mara Prandi-Abrams, Winter Park

A good friend who lives in Wyoming was hosting several grandchildren from Colorado. In the evening when the family gathered to watch television, the youngest grandson approached the television and began sliding his small hand across the screen. His granddad asked, “What are you trying to do to the television?” The young lad responded, “Granddad, I’m trying to change channels!” Obviously his tablet had a more interactive screen, but, then again, maybe he was just ahead of his time. George and Phyllis Clark, Colorado Springs

We pay $15 to each person who submits a funny story that’s printed in the magazine. At the end of the year we will draw one name from those submitting funny stories and that person will receive $200. Send your 2020 stories to Colorado Country Life, 5400 Washington St., Denver, CO 80216 or email funnystories@ coloradocountrylife.org. Don’t forget to include your mailing address, so we can send you a check.

COLORADO FOODIE TREATS High-quality products, deliciously good

The Big Cheese Dawn Jump’s goats are busy being doted over and producing milk for Jumpin’ Good Goat Dairy in Buena Vista. The folks at this well-established cheese-making company carefully create a variety of lip-smacking flavors you’ll want to slather, spread and dip into. Try the zesty Queso de Colorado, the sweet Crème de la Chevre, or the Buffalo Peaks Feta that sprinkles wonderfully onto your favorite omelet or salad. For more information, call 719-395-4646 or visit jumpingoodgoats.com.

Excitation Confirmation When Kate’s Real Food Account Director Sarah Steinwand of Crested Butte said of the company’s hand-rolled energy bars, “I think you will be overwhelmed by how delicious they are,” we had to give them a go — and it was worth it. The Victor, Idaho, company’s organic bars have a nice crunch, are made of healthy, real ingredients, and are overwhelmingly delicious. Buy individually, by the dozen or in snack bite sizes. For more information, visit katesrealfood.com.

Street Smart It started as a side job 1995. The idea was to make some extra dough and introduce locals to the unfamiliar flavor of chai tea. Twenty-five years later, Third Street is a celebrated Colorado brand. The Louisvillebased company brews up a variety of teas by hand — and with Fair Trade ingredients — to create palate-pleasing beverages. Try a chai or sip some green or black tea — you can’t go wrong. For more information, visit drinkthirdstreet.com or call 800-636-3790.

Buzzworthy Honey Beekeeper Beth Conrey loves to care for the bees that produce sweet honey from her 125 hives in Weld, Larimer and Boulder counties, Poudre Valley Rural Electric Association territory. The Berthoud resident has won several awards for her honeys, including the 2020 Good Food award for the Whiskey Barrel Aged Honey and the 2016 Good Food award for her Rose-Infused Honey. Honey jars come in a variety of sizes and additional flavors. For more information and to order, visit bethsbees.com or call 970-213-3099.

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