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Natchitoches Parish has collective assets which can be leveraged to develop a sustainable and prosperous future for employers and residents, including:

 Community and Economic Development Collaborations – Natchitoches Parish leaders and organizations are working together to enhance the quality of life in the area and invest in community and economic development initiatives. The initiatives led through the Natchitoches Area Chamber of Commerce and the Natchitoches Economic Development Alliance will influence the future of Natchitoches Parish.

 Education and Workforce Development – Natchitoches Parish public and private schools and Northwestern State University can build a future workforce pipeline for employers. Collaborations through education-business partnerships could retain young professionals in the area through apprenticeships, internships, and heightened awareness of job opportunities in the parish.

 Industry Sectors – Education, Manufacturing, Health Care and Social Services, Retail, and Tourism will continue to be growing sectors of the regional economy. New investments in developing hydrogen fuel cells for power production for oil and gas transmission are new opportunities for the area. The Air National Guard’s 179th Airlift Wing strategically located in the Mansfield Industrial District and focus on cybersecurity will also attract new investments and talent over the next several years.

 Infrastructure – New investments to replace aging roads, bridges, and water systems and high-speed broadband access across the parish will stimulate growth in the region.

 Proximity and Transportation – Natchitoches Parish’s strategic location in northwest Louisiana between Alexandria and Shreveport will continue to stimulate economic and population growth in the area. This places the parish in a positive position that could be leveraged to influence its future.

 Quality of Life –Natchitoches Parish offers a lower cost of living, wonderful community and cultural amenities, and a “home-town” feel with access to major cities. Communicating all that the parish offers, engaging young professionals in high schools and higher-education institutions, and providing good jobs and affordable housing options will help to retain and attract the next generation of residents and employees.

The Natchitoches Area Chamber of Commerce’s 2023 – 2025 #GoNatchitoches strategic plan provides a blueprint to leverage our strengths, overcome our challenges and capitalize on the opportunities ahead of us. The Chamber leadership and staff have been tasked with facilitating and accomplishing this plan