6 minute read

animal lover's profile

A Psychic Medium’s Unforeseen Love Affair

By Nancy Dewar


Fourteen years ago Seacoast resident John Holland fell in love (like madly, head-over-heels in love), and his life changed forever! There is a touch of irony in this story, as John is an internationally known psychic medium, author and spiritual teacher. Yet, he never saw this one coming. He never knew that a tiny little bundle of soft, white fluff would wind its way into his heart and turn him into a total dog lover! All this endless joy is thanks to Koda, his precious (now 14) loyal West Highland Terrier; commonly known as a Westie.

surrendered to a rescue organization due to family circumstances. His second dog, he had as a young man, was also a Westie that he didn’t get to keep in a relationship break up. “I never knew what a true soul wound that left within me when I had to give up those beloved dogs.” John told me. “I didn’t discover that until I got Koda.” As a child, he always felt he was a bit different; very psychically sensitive and empathetic. While his siblings were out playing ball, John was home either reading or drawing, and always fascinated by anything that had to do with magic, spirits, ghosts, metaphysics, theology and science. “I wasn’t your average kid. I was definitely the different one in the family.” Though extremely intuitive while growing up, John didn’t truly discover and understand his psychic abilities until his early thirties.

He was living in Los Angeles bartending and doing some temp work. A devastating car accident, which he thankfully walked away from, was the wake-up call to get his life in better order. It was time to really study and work on his psychic sensitivity that he’d tried to push away or hide in his youth due to the teasing and jokes made about him by other children and even his family. John began reading tarot cards at a local aromatherapy shop in West LA, and through a series of serendipitous encounters he ended up living in England for 3 years where he trained with leading professional spiritualist mediums. His career exploded after he returned to the Seacoast several years ago, largely due to the press he received from the Boston Globe and other publications. In addition to private readings, John has published six books and created four oracle card decks with Hay House Publishing. He also has appeared on numerous television programs and has traveled the world doing seminars, events and demonstrations of his mediumship.

With COVID bringing travel to a stop, John has cherished his time home this past year with Koda. Instead of traveling to 20-30 cities a

year, his trips now are to local parks and beaches to walk with his fellow dog-friends and their pups! Koda came into John’s life as a 10-week-old puppy, and as John says, “He truly changed my life. My dog introduced me to all of my neighbors. After my mother died, it was my animal friends that really reached out to me to see if I was okay.” And because of his love for Koda and animals, John has helped hundreds of other creatures with the Koda Fund he established for the New Hampshire SPCA in 2011 dedicated to providing life-saving care to animals surrendered to the shelter.

“I drove by the NHSPCA nearly every day and kept thinking I really should do something for them. So, I walked in one day and met Sheila Ryan, their Director of Marketing & Development.” John offered to do group readings as an annual fundraising event, and that was the beginning of “An Afternoon of Clairvoyance” events where John connects with members of the audience and their spirit friends. To date, the Koda Fund has raised over $155,000 via ten annual events as well as fundraising John does at other events. “We are so grateful that John approached us years ago and has become such a great friend to the homeless animals here. The Koda Fund is helping to save animals lives,” said Lisa Dennison, Executive Director of the NHSPCA.

One of the first animals helped by the Koda Fund was a hound who had been hit by a car. The dog was surrendered to the NHSPCA as the family couldn’t afford the surgery it needed. After surgery that included metal rods in one of its legs, followed up with extensive 2 months rehabilitation, water physical therapy and continued veterinarian care, the dog recovered. “That special dog didn’t have to have the leg amputated because of the Koda Fund and walked out with all four legs instead of three.” In addition to helping for the care of rescue animals, John is the ultimate dog-Dad who provides Koda with all that he needs. “He is losing his sight and 75% of is hearing is gone. I use a combination of traditional veterinarians and those who practice holistic medicine. Koda has acupuncture every three weeks, so he doesn’t need pain meds for his arthritis. We also walk often with his best senior buddies, Teddy (another Westie) and Ollie (a Maltese).”

I was curious to learn more about his mediumship. How does it work? John explained a bit about his connecting with spirits. “I hear them or see them. Sometimes both. My training included giving evidential and accurate evidence, which means specifics that those close to them would recognize. Ethics are extremely important in my profession. Some of my most rewarding work has been with parents who have lost children. I volunteer for the Forever Family Foundation, which is professional organization that focuses on bereavement.” I asked if he also connects with animals that have passed. “Though I often see them, I don’t connect directly with the animals. However, since becoming a huge dog lover, I now know most dog breeds and can tell my clients ‘I see a Rottweiler,’ where before I wouldn’t have known what breed the dog was! My friend Danielle MacKinnon, an animal communicator, is the person to contact if you want to connect with pets that have passed.” We’ll have to do a story with Danielle soon! But for now…a huge thanks to John Holland for his generous support of animals in need and all that he has done for the NHSPCA. “I am constantly grateful for the generosity of the people that attend the events that benefit the Koda Fund,” said John. “My sweet dog Koda opened my eyes to the love and generous spirit of animals. They are pure unconditional love, and they give so much to us. When you think about it, if Koda hadn’t come into my life, I’d never have gotten involved with the NHSPCA. It was my privilege to establish the Koda Fund and my joy to continue to contribute to it.” John also said to me, “Our soul knows its highest good.” John is living his, for sure!


“He truly changed my life. My dog introduced me to all of my neighbors. After my mother died, it was my animal friends that really reached out to me to see if I was okay.”