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Yoga for Prostate Cancer Patients

The consumption of fermented products is on the rise as drinks like kombucha and kefir have become popular. They are a source of tryptophan, an amino acid critical to producing serotonin, the brain chemical that influences mood, and may also contain neurotransmitters in their raw form. Research has shown that eating fermented foods may have long- and short-term impacts on brain function, such as reducing stress.

Led by researchers at University College Cork, in Ireland, a new large study has begun to compare 200 fermented foods from around the world to pinpoint which ones are the most beneficial for brain health. Although still in its initial stages, preliminary results have already revealed some surprises. Almost all of the fermented foods display the potential to improve gut and brain health. While more research is needed, sugar- and vegetable-based fermented foods are likely to top the list, according to the lead researcher.

Taurine Offers Longevity Potential

Taurine, one of the most abundant amino acids in the body, is vital for health of the eyes, muscles, brain and heart. Research has found that taurine levels decrease with age. In a study published in the journal Science, researchers found that taurine supplementation improved the lifespan and healthspan of middle-aged mice.

The scientists noticed improvements in bone, muscle, pancreas, brain, fat, gut and immune function. The median life span of taurine-treated mice increased by 10 to 12 percent, and life expectancy at 28 months increased by about 18 to 25 percent. Similar effects were observed in monkeys and cellular worms. The researchers also found a link between lower circulating taurine levels and higher risk for Type 2 diabetes, obesity and hypertension.

According to the American Cancer Society, about one man in eight will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime, with six in 10 of these cases in men 65 years and older. Non-Hispanic Black men have a 75 percent higher risk and are twice as likely to die from prostate cancer than white men, with genetics accounting for some of these disparities.

Researchers from The University of Texas Health Sciences Center at San Antonio evaluated the impact of yoga on quality of life, as well as on immune and inflammatory responses. Published in the Journal of Urology, the study included 30 men with cancer that were scheduled for radical prostate removal. Half of the patients performed 60 minutes of yoga twice a week for six weeks before surgery and for three to six weeks after surgery. The other patients received standard care.

The group that performed yoga reported higher quality-of-life scores, including reduced fatigue and improvements in physical, sexual, functional and social well-being. Based on blood samples, the scientists also found that yoga promoted an anti-tumor immune response and reduced inflammatory cytokine levels.

The researchers speculate that taurine’s anti-aging and disease-preventing benefits could be due to its effects on reducing cellular death, inflammation, DNA damage, mitochondrial dysfunction and other hallmarks of aging. They also found that exercise increased concentrations of taurine metabolite levels in the blood.

While more research is needed on taurine supplementation, dietary sources can be prioritized. Shellfish (scallops, clams and mussels) are the best dietary source of taurine, followed by lamb, beef, pork and chicken.

Earth Has Tilted Due to Groundwater Pumping

A study published in the journal Geophysical Research

Letters shows that the pumping of groundwater impacts the tilt of Earth’s rotation and further exacerbates climate change. The study reports that in less than two decades, Earth has tilted 31.5 inches because of pumping groundwater, equating to about a quarter of an inch of sea level rise.

Previous research from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in 2016 demonstrates that because the Earth moves on a rotational pole, the distribution of water on the planet impacts the distribution of mass. In other words, the Earth spins a little differently as water is moved around due to pumping, ultimately impacting its tilt. Researchers believe this shift could have serious consequences in the long term—from changes in climate patterns to more frequent seismic activity if Earth’s core moves as a result.

Human activities, such as irrigation, water consumption and global droughts have led to a considerable amount of groundwater pumping in the last few decades, with the water eventually relocating to the oceans. Conservationists are using this data to understand how to rethink water usage and work toward preventing continued sea level rise and other climate issues.